'What’s On The Flash Drive' Skier quest guide in Escape From Tarkov
Are you stuck on the Escape From Tarkov What's on the Flash Drive Skier quest? Don't miss this guide for all the details, including tips on all the flash drive locations and loot drops.
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Trying to complete the Escape From Tarkov What’s on the Flash Drive quest from Skier is where most players will reach a hefty road block. Some quests in Escape From Tarkov require you to find a certain number of items, and they can pose a real challenge if you don’t know exactly where to look. So, if you’re stuck and want to know an easy way to complete the Escape From Tarkov What’s on the Flash Drive quest, then carry on reading.
What's On The Flash Drive quest details
The Escape From Tarkov What’s on the Flash Drive quest necessitates the delivery of two flash drives, and they both must be found in the raid.
To gain access to this quest from Skier, you must be at least level eight, and have completed the Escape From Tarkov The Extortionist quest.
As a reward, you will receive the following:
- 30,000 Roubles
- Simonov OP-SKS 7.62x39 carbine (Hunting Rifle Version)
- Two SKS 7.62x39 ProMag SKS-A5 20-round magazines
- AK Hexagon DTKP MK.2 7.62x39 sound suppressor
- 4500 EXP
- An increase of 0.04 to your Skier rep
The reason this is so tough is that flash drives don’t spawn an awful lot, and have very few actual drop locations. There are a lot of places that you have a chance to find them, but they seem to appear very infrequently - especially in the early wipe when they are always going to be picked up.
Escape From Tarkov: Flash Drive Locations
There are only really a handful of potential spawn locations for the Escape From Tarkov flash drive item, but the main ones are the following:
- PC blocks (will visibly be sticking out the front)
- Tents
- Safes
- Filing Cabinets
One of the primary strategies is to raid Interchange, solely due to the high number of PCs on that map. Heading to the offices in IDEA, OLI, and Goshan is a really great start, and you can also find a couple more blocks out at the Power Station. You might even pick up a graphics card as a bonus along the way too. There’s also a fair amount of filing cabinets on Interchange, so it’s a good idea to work them into your route.
Your next best bet is to look in safes - which can also have a knock-on effect on other high tier loot spawns. If you’ve somehow managed to land yourself the RB-KPRL key for Reserve then by all means take advantage of the three safes there, but the most realistic route is going to take you to the Escape From Tarkov Customs map. On that map, you can run through the handful of safes on Dorms, then head to New Gas Station for the office there, and then finish it off with the Tarcone director’s office safe that you should have access to from the Escape From Tarkov Delivery from the Past quest.
Tents are also another option, but they are much less of a certainty than the previous three spots. On Customs, at the tent near the Dorms, there is a chance that a flash drive could spawn either next to the bag or the guitar. Furthermore, there is also a drop chance inside the tent by the sawmill on the Escape From Tarkov Woods map.
Finally, there is one last resort if you really are struggling to find the pesky drives. Completing The Huntsman Path - Evil Watchman quest from Jager (which is the last in the Path collection) will give you two flash drives as a reward, and they both count as found in the raid, saving you the pain of looking any further if you really are stuck.
Furthermore, they can also be crafted at the Intelligence Centre level two, in exchange for the following:
- One Broken GPhone smartphone
- One Broken GPhone X smartphone
- One SSD Drive
This is a fairly easy craft, but you will need Mechanic LL2 among other items to actually unlock level two of the Intelligence Centre, so it is a bit less unrealistic.
As always with quests requiring found-in raid items, you can’t just pick one up from Fence or off the Escape From Tarkov flea market. Additionally, if you die with it in your secure container, it, unfortunately, loses its 'found in raid' status, so you’re also out of luck there. Ultimately, the flash drives you hand over will always have to have the small found-in raid tick in the top left of the item picture to qualify.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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What's on the Flash Drive
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