How to find Anna Parovski in System Shock

How to find Anna Parovski in System Shock
Images via Nightdive Studios

Written by 

Kiera Mills


30th May 2023 16:00

During your playthrough of System Shock, Anna Parovski will contact you for help as she and some crew mates are stranded on the Flight Deck.

With only the clue to follow the 'Gray' Signs, you may wonder where is Anna Parovski in System Shock.

Read below and we'll tell you how to find Anna in the game and how to find the Mark III Assault Rifle and grenade launcher mod in the process.

Where is Anna Parovski in System Shock?

How to find Anna Parovski in System Shock: Flight Deck bridge
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As mentioned, Anna Parovski is located on the Flight Deck, Floor 5. To get there, you will need to access the elevator in the Recycling room on the Maintenance Floor.

Take a left from the maintenance elevator and enter the first door to the right for the recycling machine room. Then, follow these steps to get to Anna:

  • Take the elevator from the Recycling Machine in Maintenance to the Flight Deck.
  • Complete the junction box puzzle to the left of the elevator (connect the power until the power bar sits within the range of the blue lights).
  • This will power the bridge, which you can now cross.
  • From the bridge and through the door, turn right and follow the corridor around.
  • Keep following the corridor past the Flight Bay door.

How to find Anna Parovski in System Shock: Flight Deck sub-level
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  • At the end of the corridor, drop down to the sub-level.
  • Take the second left, then turn right at the 'Gray' sign. (Or continue around the corridor to discover the medical spawn point first).

How to find Anna Parovski in System Shock: Follow the Gray signs
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  • You'll receive a call from Anna.
  • Drop down to the central blue lift on the floor.
  • Once airborne, look down and you'll see that there is an open level on one of the sides, halfway down. The passage is next to the one you've just dropped from but it is dimly lit.

How to find Anna Parovski in System Shock: How to use lifts
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  • You'll have to jump to the passage by floating toward one of the orange lifts. Time it right to land in the open passage.
  • Once inside, continue and drop to the next level. You'll have to repeat the process here, this time dropping to the centre orange down lift and then floating to the blue one underneath the next passage.
  • Once inside, continue through the corridor and solve all three junction box puzzles to lift the barriers blocking the way forwards. (Connect the lit square to the other square by using the various connectors).
  • Defeat SHODAN's machine and then search it to get another mission audio log.

Where is the Assault Rifle & Grenade launcher mod in System Shock?

System Shock: Mark III Assault Rifle
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Both the Mark III Assault Rifle and Grenade Launcher Damage Mod are available to collect after the boss fight mentioned above. Follow these steps to retrieve them:

  • Take the western door from the central room you had the boss fight in.
  • Turn left and take the lift down.

System Shock: Grenade Launcher mod location
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  • There will be a Mod Kit station containing a mod for the grenade launcher and some shelving containing a Mark III Assault Rifle.
  • Press the button to the left of the mod station, on the back wall, this will unlock the other door in the central room where you had the boss fight.
  • Return to this room and through the now unlocked door.
  • Take the lift and follow the small corridor to the end. From the end click on the wall to the left to reveal a shortcut back.

  • Whilst you're on the Flight Decks, be sure to also check out our guide on the Flight Deck Power Node location, you'll need to destroy this to reach the end of the game.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.
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