Where to find the house keys in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
If you're struggling to find the house keys needed for a side quest in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, here are their locations.
For the most part, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a fairly straightforward experience. Sure, its blistering difficulty can have you swinging your controller across the room and pulling your hair out, but its level design is nowhere near as complex as something such as Dark Souls.
With that being said, there are times when the game dips its toes into being more intricate. A perfect example of this is the Hidden Village hub, where various NPCs will give you vague side quests to complete - one of which is to find house keys to help a lady unlock her home.
As with many games in this genre, where you will find these are not signposted, leaving you to explore and find them on your own. If you want to know where you’ll find the house keys in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, here is where they are.
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Where to find the house keys in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Once you finally make your way to the Hidden Village hub a few hours into Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you will stumble across a lady who has inconveniently lost the keys to her house.
Unfortunately, these aren’t anywhere in the nearby area, meaning you’ll need to press forward with the story to find them. The first key, which opens the door to her house, can be found on the battlefield In Search of the Immortal Wizard.
This is not long after arriving at the Village Hub and can be found in a pretty obvious area at the end of the level. Just before the boss arena, and after the final Battle Flag, you will find the Taoist’s House Key on the ground next to a statue. Pick it up and return it to the Hidden Village hub. You will return here after the level, or you can use a Battle Flag to venture back.
Once you arrive here, revisit the lady’s house and pass her the key. You can now enter and pick up the loot sitting on the floor… but wait! Another locked door also sits in the back, and you guessed it, you need to find another key to access it.
For this one, you’ll need to proceed quite far into Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty until you get to the mission War’s Flames Blaze Fiercely. Again, this key is near the end of the level and can be found in a flooded room with four pillars.
From the first pillar, follow the path to the left until you follow a path around a corner. At the end, you will find the Taoist’s Backdoor Key, as well as a spider enemy who will surprise you, so be prepared!
Again, return to the Hidden Village hub and hand over the last of the house keys to the woman. You can now open the back door, but unfortunately, this side quest does not end there. Now, you will be presented with three locked chests you need to open.
Fortunately, the process for doing this is much simpler and requires you to hand over three items to the lady. They are fairly common, meaning you’ll most likely have these in your possession already. The Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty items you require are the following:
- Oil Pot
- Anti-Freeze Soil
- Mystic Crane
With these handed over, you can open the chests behind the house and receive an array of rewards for you to use in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
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About The Author
Daniel Hollis
Daniel is a former Guides Writer for GGRecon. Having originally focused on film journalism, he eventually made the jump to writing about games in 2020, writing for sites such as NME. Eurogamer, GamesRadar, Tech Radar, and more. After a short stint in PR, he is back in the world of games media writing about his favourite games, including Bioshock, Fable, or everything Fortnite and Xbox Game Pass related.