How to customise your wand in Hogwarts Legacy

How to customise your wand in Hogwarts Legacy
Images via Avalanche Software

Written by 

Kiera Mills


6th Feb 2023 13:25

Hogwarts Legacy offers a multitude of customisable robes, accessories, outfits, and more. Among them is the option to swap out handles for your wand, which is an absolute must if you want to be the most stylish student at Hogwarts.

Disclaimer: While the creator of the Harry Potter franchise was not directly involved in the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, their comments on social media around transgender people are hurtful and dangerous given the size of their platform.

We’d implore you to read our explainer of the controversy so far, and consider supporting trans rights charities where possible.



How to change your wand

You'll get the chance to visit Ollivanders and pick out your wand fairly early. You'll get the quest to venture into Hogsmeade with a student of your choice from Professor Weasley when you have completed the first Charms and Defence Against The Dark Arts classes.

Hogwarts Legacy: how to equip wand handles
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Once you have selected your wand you won't be able to change its main appearance again – so choose wisely. You can, however, change out the handle of the wand if you wish.

To change the wand handle, go to the 'Gear' menu and select 'Wand Handles' (the option on the far left of the screen).

Here, you'll be able to see the handles you've unlocked so far in the game. To equip a handle simply hover over the one you want and select it to equip it to your wand.

How to get wand handles

You can get wand handles in a few different ways in Hogwarts Legacy. The main ways to unlock them are by finding them in chests scattered across the maps, or by completing side missions for NPCs.

During our playthrough, we discovered them in the regular small wooden chests around Hogwarts (for example, outside Fig's office) and the outlying villagers. We've also been gifted them as a reward for NPC quests, for example, the Cressida Blume quest 'Flying Off The Shelves'.

Hogwarts Legacy: where to find wand handles
Click to enlarge

To trigger this quest, you can find Cressida outside of the library where she will ask you to retrieve her books and diary from the library. The quest will require you to know the Accio spell.

Hogwarts Legacy: how to get wand handles
Click to enlarge

Once you have collected a wand handle it is possible to reload a save and get a different one. Loot seems to be predetermined by type, not style. This means you can reload a save and reopen a chest an unlimited amount of times if there's a specific wand handle you are looking for.

This is a rather convoluted way to do it, but if there's a specific wand handle you're looking for to complete your style, it is an option.

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Read our guide on how to open the white chests with eyes in Hogwarts Legacy and get more items for your character.

Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.

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