Tower of Fantasy Map

Tower of Fantasy Map

Read here to discover more about the land of Aesperia in Tower of Fantasy and how to use Tower of Fantasy interactive maps.

16th Aug 2022 11:17

Images via Hotta Studio

Tower of Fantasy is set in the sci-fi fantasy land of Aesperia, a land divided by two major factions after the discovery of a valuable mineral called Omnium. Players will start the game in the Astra Shelter in Tower of Fantasy, a small group of people living beneath Hykros the floating capital. To find out more about the land of Aesperia and how you can find and use interactive maps, read here.

Tower of Fantasy Regions

Hykros capital in Tower of Fantasy

Along with the floating capital city of Hykros where the government rules, there are six major regions in Tower of Fantasy, these are:

  • Astra Shelter
  • The Fox of Armata
  • Port Banges
  • Cetus Island
  • Crown Mines
  • Warren Snowfield

To access these areas and uncover more of the map for yourself, you'll have to discover the Omni towers of each region and trigger them, in a similar method to Assassin Creed's towers or the Tallnecks in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Tower of Fantasy Interactive Maps

Tower of Fantasy map

Interactive Maps are already cropping up for Tower of Fantasy, like that of Genshin Impact, these maps contain notable items, resources, runs, bosses, and points of interest which you can navigate. Interactive maps are a great way to locate resources needed for daily and weekly quests, you can simply select the resources you wish to track, and the map will do the rest. Here is a list of the best Tower of Fantasy interactive maps currently available:

Kiera Mills

About The Author

Kiera Mills

Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.

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