How to find the Collider in Fortnite
Learn all about Fortnite's newest POI — Fortnite The Collider including where it is, what loot you're likely to get and more.
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Fortnite The Collider is a brand-new Fortnite point of interest (POI) that signifies a critical moment in the season-long conflict between The Resistance and the Imagined Order (IO). It turns out that our grim suspensions were right — The Imagined Order has successfully constructed a Doomsday Device in Fortnite. Want to see it with your own eyes? This guide will detail Fortnite The Collider, including its location, loot potential, and how to complete a Seasonal Quest involving The Collider.
Where is the Collider in Fortnite?
Fortnite The Collider is a massive new POI in the center of the Island and right off the coast of Loot Lake. The Collider is surrounded on all sides by the POIs of Shifty Shafts, Coney Crossroads, Fortnite Titled Towers, and The Fortress. The Collider is considered IO territory.
Collider loot and lore
The Collider is home to the IO's personal Doomsday Device. With that, it's safe to say that this location may very well be the stage for an epic end-of-season Fortnite live event.
The Collider is filled to the brim with loot, including a plethora of IO Supply Chests. However, securing this top-tier loot won't be easy as the area is crawling with IO Troops. Furthermore, many of the IO Bosses have relocated to The Collider, including Doctor Slone and Huntmaster Saber.
Smack dab in the center of the Island, The Collider is prime real estate. Also, moving about and rotating from this new POI is easier than ever. There are IO launch Pads, Fortnite Ascenders, and Fortnite Siege Cannons everywhere. Plus, you can use the Doomsday Device to lift off.
- Discover all of the Chapter 3 Season 2 Fortnite NPC locations.
How to call in an airstrike
A Week 9 Seasonal Quest assigns us the task to call in an Airstrike at The Collider or The Fortress.
We've covered Fortnite Air Strikes in detail before, but to summarise, Air Strikes can appear as loot from Chests, Supply Drops, and Floor Loot. Classified as an item of Legendary rarity, Air Strikes aren't the most common to encounter. With this in mind, you may need to ransack quite a few Chests before you come across some. Thankfully, the high density of loot at The Collider makes it a great spot to start and end this Challenge.
With an Airstrike in hand, visit The Collider or its neighbor, The Fortress, and toss down the Airstrike to complete the Quest.
That's everything you need to know about Fortnite The Collider. Drop into a match and get familiar with this major POI. As Chapter 3 Season 2 winds down, it's all but certain that The Collider and the IO Doomsday Device will play a vital role in the events unfolding.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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