How to get all resources in Hades 2, including Bronze & Shadow
Find all of the resources in Hades 2 with these tips, as you'll need them to grow stronger as you try to power through the underworld and defeat Chronos.
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Your ability to get as many resources as possible will truly define the success of your Hades 2 playthrough, as items like Bronze and Shadow not only give you access to new tools but also unlock vital new areas.
While Melinoë gains plenty of power throughout each in-game playthrough, you'll need to rack up plenty of resources in order to gain new Incantations, unlock more Arcana Cards, and access all of the weapons in the game.
This guide is a work in progress and we are still updating it with new information as we learn more.
All resources & how to get them
Here are all of the resources that I've found in Hades 2 so far, and what you need to do in order to get them in-game:
Item | How to Get |
Bones | Encounter reward / Wretched Broker / Grave Thirst |
Ashes | Encounter reward / Wretched Broker |
Psyche | Encounter reward / Wretched Broker / Tablet of Peace |
Fate Fabric | Wretched Broker / Arachne |
Silver | Crescent Pick (Erebus) |
Limestone | Crescent Pick (Oceanus) |
Glassrock | Crescent Pick (Mourning Fields) |
Marble | Crescent Pick (Tartarus) |
Bronze | Crescent Pick (Surface, near City of Ephyra) |
Iron | Crescent Pick (Rift of Thessaly) |
Plasma | Crescent Pick (Chaos) |
Cinder | Vanquishing Hecate (Erebus) |
Pearl | Vanquishing Scylla and the Sirens (Oceanus) |
Tears | Vanquishing Cerberus (Mourning Fields) |
Wool | Vanquishing Polyphemus (Surface, City of Ephyra) |
Darkness | Gathering (Chaos) |
Shadow | Alchemy (Cauldron) |
Moon Dust | Alchemy (Cauldron), Wretched Broker |
Star Dust | Chaos Trials |
Nightmare | Beat bosses using the Oath of the Unseen |
Rubbish | Cleaning up after Eris (Crossroads) |
Item | How to Get |
Moly | Gathering (Erebus) |
Nightshade | Grown from seeds |
Nightshade Seeds | Silver Spade (Erebus) |
Deathcap | Gathering (Erebus, or anywhere with rainfall) |
Mystery Seeds | Silver Spade (all Regions) |
Lotus | Gathering (Oceanus) |
Cattail | Grown from seeds |
Cattail Seeds | Silver Spade (Oceanus) |
Myrtle | Gathering (Mourning Fields) |
Shaderot | Gathering (Tartartus) |
Moss | Gathering (Surface, near City of Ephyra) |
Garlic | Grown from seeds |
Garlic Cloves | Silver Space (Surface, near City of Ephyra) |
Driftwood | Gathering (Rift of Thessaly) |
Thalamus | Grown from Origin seeds |
Origin Seeds | Silver Spade (Chaos) |
Item | How to Get |
Nectar | Encounter reward / Wretched Broker |
Bath Salts | Wretched Broker, Silver Spade (all Regions) |
Ambrosia | Wretched Broker |
Witch's Delight | Alchemy (Cauldron) |
Obol Points | Earned every time you spend 1,000G at Charon |
Item | How to Get |
Moper | Fishing (Erebus) |
Chiton | Fishing (Oceanus) |
Soby | Fishing (Mourning Fields) |
Mati | Fishing (Chaos) |
Some of these are obviously a lot harder to get than others - so definitely watch out for any resources that only appear in later areas, or require specific actions to obtain.
How to keep track of items
It can sometimes be tricky to know how many of an item you have in Hades 2, but you can thankfully either open the Inventory by pressing the 'I' key at any point or check the number next to the purple pouch if you're on a recipe.
Both of these methods will give you the specific number of the item you're looking at, or the item that the recipe requires, which is incredibly handy if you're cooking up an Incantation or looking to activate an Arcana Card.
Furthermore, unlocking the 'Forget-Me-Not' Incantation allows you to save specific incomplete recipes, allowing you to check back on them to see your progress. This is helpful for things with large requirements, or recipes with an item that you don't know how to get, as it serves as a constant reminder.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.
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