Twitch Streamer Terrified By Stalker Who Tried To 'Poison' Her In Own Home
Mira was in the middle of the streaming when her alleged stalker tried to 'gas' her out of her home by spray painting her front door.
11th Feb 2022 17:27
Image Credit: Mira | Twitch

Popular Twitch streamer "Mira" was left fearing for her life after revealing how her home was targeted by a stalker who has been harassing her for years.
Time and time again female streamers find themselves as the targets of harassment from trolls online. However, there have been dangerous and terrifying occasions when this boils over into their personal life. A number of female streamers have been open about their horrific experiences with stalkers, including Jade-Anh "Jadeyanh" Ngo and "nalipls". Kaitlyn "Amouranth" Siragusa has also shared her own scary experience with an obsessed stalker who insisted they were in a relationship.
Now, yet another female streamer has come forward about her experience with a stalker who targeted her home in a terrifying attack.
What Happened To Mira?
Mira, who has over 355k followers on Twitch as of writing, was streaming on February 10 when she opened up about the attack on her home by a stalker who she claims has been harassing her for years. In the video, which has since been deleted, Mira said: "We've got a problem. It's a recurring problem. He is back, and this time, he's not just back. He violated my personal belongings."
According to Dexerto, Mira explained: "I didn't talk to him or interact, but I saw he had some sort of present for me and something he was holding for a while then he put it down, took a picture, and then he used a spray can to spray my door. It smells so bad. My whole apartment stinks of chemicals. I popped the windows but he’s poisoning me in my own f*cking apartment."
Has Mira Reported Her Stalker?
Mira has apparently reported the issue with her building security and even had CCTV footage to prove it was the stalker who cause the damage. However, they don't appear to have done anything about it.
Although, that wasn't enough to stop Mira who warned: "You, motherf**ker, are going to jail and you're going to rot there if you don't stop." In a scathing rant, Mira said: "You piece of s**t leave me alone. I don’t need your love. You are actually violating my physical and mental space."
She also stated that she has tried to be "polite" about the harassment, but trying to "gas her" out of her home was too far.

About The Author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a former Junior Journalist at GGRecon.