How to unlock all the hidden achievements & trophies in THE FINALS
Going for the Platinum Trophy in THE FINALS but stuck on the hidden achievements? Here's a list of all the secret achievements and how to unlock these tricky trophies.
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There are over 50 achievements/trophies to collect in THE FINALS, six of which are hidden and not visible in-game until they are discovered.
As you might expect, unlocking these special achievements can be quite challenging, especially when they're as wacky as they are in THE FINALS. This primer lists all the hidden achievements and how to unlock these secret trophies in the free-to-play first-person shooter from Embark Studios.
Artful Expressionist: Eliminate an opponent while you are emoting
At first glance, this hidden achievement/trophy sounds like it might be rather difficult, but there's a trick to unlocking it easy-peasy.
While the achievement specifies eliminating an opponent, you can eliminate yourself, and it'll still unlock Artful Expressionist! Join a match as the Medium or Heavy Build and equip the Pyro Grenade. Toss the Pyro Grenade at your feet and keep emoting while it burns you up and your HP trickles lower and lower. If you're emoting right as you burst into flames, you'll get credit for Artful Expressionist!
Sky Bridge Saboteur: Destroy the skybridge in Seoul
In the corner of Seoul, there is a skybridge connecting two skyscrapers. To unlock Sky Bridge Saboteur, you must destroy the skybridge in its entirety.
The quickest way to do this is to play as the Heavy Build and equip a Sledgehammer. Combine the Sledgehammer with the RPG-7, C4, and other explosives to completely demolish the skybridge. Tossing explosive canisters at the skybridge works wonders, too!
Space Rock Skipper: Bounce a meteor off a Jump Pad during the Meteor Showers event
For this hidden achievement, you unfortunately have to wait around and hope a Meteor Shower event kicks off. Whenever it finally does, make sure you're using the Medium Build and have a Jump Pad ready to go.
Find out where on the map the Meteor Shower is occurring and get under it. Now, watch how the meteors are falling, and position yourself to catch one with your Jump Pad.
It's not mentioned in the achievement's text, but you can also unlock Space Rock Skipper during the Alien Invasion event by situating the Jump Pad under the UFO.
Blast Caster: Place an Explosive Mine on a carriable and get an elimination by throwing it at an opponent
Carriables are everywhere in THE FINALS. All the carriables, powder, explosive, goo, flammable, and toxic work for this trophy.
The Explosive Mine is restricted to the Medium and Heavy Builds, so make sure you're playing as one of these Builds and have the Explosive Mine equipped or in your Reserve Loadout. After that, locate a carriable, place an Explosive Mine on top of it, and toss it at a foe! If it makes direct contact, it should eliminate the target and award you this hidden achievement.
Showboaster: Use an emote after eliminating an opponent
This hidden achievement is straightforward but might leave your opponent with a bad taste in their mouth! Eliminate an enemy however you see fit and emote immediately after to unlock Showboaster.
Butter Fingers: Get eliminated by your own grenade
If you followed our strategy for the Artful Expressionist trophy, you probably already unlocked Butter Fingers! This hidden achievement isn't necessarily one to be proud of, as it requires you to die by your own grenade. Finish yourself off with any lethal grenade to get Butter Fingers.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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