How to find the Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack & Level Up Tokens in Fortnite
Everything you need to know about the Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack, including where to find all 28 Level Up Token locations.
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The key to unlocking the contents of the Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack is to know all the Level Up Token locations. It's that time of the Fortnite season again, and the Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack is here to give players an easy way to quickly boost their Season Level and catch up on their Battle Pass.
So, instead of searching the Island far and wide in hopes of stumbling upon Level Up Tokens, below is a streamlined guide on where to find all 28 Fortnite Phantasm Quest Pack Level Up Tokens.
The Week 1 Phantasm Level Up Tokens are relatively easy to come by. Four of the seven tokens are scattered along the Chonker's Speedway track. Drive — or walk — along the track, and after a lap, you'll already be halfway done with the Week 1 Level Up Tokens.
You can find another token north of Chonker's Speedway down beside Impossible Rock.
Look for a Week 1 Phantasm Level Up Token near the centre of Shuffled Shrines.
Finally, search the north-east corner of Condo Canyon to collect the final Week 1 Phantasm Level Up Token.
Separated from the group, collect a single Week 2 Level Up Token on the road that runs through Butter Barn.
Grab one Week 2 Phantasm Level Up Token in the fields south-east of Greasy Grove and another directly in the centre of Greasy Grove.
The last four Week 2 Level Up Tokens are dispersed around Reality Falls.
One is south-west of the Reality Tree by some giant mushrooms.
Another is directly west of the Reality Tree, next to a Fortnite Ascender.
And as for the final two, one is on a branch at the top of the Reality Tree, and one is at the base of the Reality Tree.
A solo Week 3 Phantasm Level Up Token is on a mountain peak south of Rave Cave.
After grabbing the Level Up Token mentioned above, immediately jump into the Wind Tunnel to the south and you'll notice another token. Take this wind tunnel toward the west to find two more Week 3 Phantasm Level Up Tokens in the Slipstream.
Now, leap out of the tunnel as you approach Logjam Lotus to find another two Level Up Tokens on the mountainside south of Seven Outpost II.
Finish the Week 3 Phantasm Level Up Quest by grabbing the Level Up Token in the middle of Logjam Lotus.
Three of the Week 4 Phantasm Level Up Tokens are situated along the boat race circuit out in the gulf east of Sanctuary. Complete a lap around the boat race circuit to gather up three quick tokens.
On the coastline by the Tiny Temple Landmark is another Week 4 Phantasm Level Up Token.
Atop the deck of the abandoned pirate ship at Lazy Lagoon is a fifth token.
South of the Paradoxical Ruins, where the river forks, is a floating Week 4 Phantasm Level Up Token.
The 28th and final Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Token is on a ramp near the centre of Loot Lake.
When you purchase the Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack, you'll immediately unlock the Phantasm Outfit. However, to get the rest of the cosmetics in the pack, you need to collect Level Up Tokens.
Every week for four weeks, a new set of seven Level Up Tokens will appear on the Island. Collect all of a select week's Level Up Tokens to unlock an additional accessory for Phantasm. Below is a list of all the extra Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack cosmetics you can acquire by collecting Level Up Tokens:
- Week 1 Level Up Tokens (live now)
- The Beyond Portal Back Bling and the Spectral Vision Wrap
- Week 2 Level Up Tokens (start August 25 at 2pm BST)
- The All-Seeing Scythe Pickaxe
- Week 3 Level Up Tokens (start September 1 at 2pm BST)
- Ruby Revenant Style of The Beyond Portal Back Bling and The All-Seeing Scythe Pickaxe
- Week 4 Level Up Tokens (start September 8 at 2pm BST)
- Helmeted alt Style of the Phantasm Outfit
While the cosmetics are the primary draw of the Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack, don't discount that each Level Up Token will grant you one full level. This makes the Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack a necessity for those that still need to max out the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 Battle Pass.
- Don't let the Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack distract you from completing the Fortnite X Dragon Ball Quests.
You can grab the Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack in the Fortnite Item Shop for 1,200 V-Bucks.
- Just short on V-Bucks? Find out how to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite.
Level Up Quest Packs are seasonal, which means the Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack will expire at the end of Chapter 3 Season 3, or more specifically, September 17, 2022. Make sure to collect all 28 of the Phantasm Level Up Tokens by then, or you'll permanently miss out on the bonus Phantasm cosmetics!
With that, you have everything you need to complete the Fortnite Phantasm Level Up Quest Pack and unlock all of the associated cosmetics.
Looking forward to Halloween? Consider submitting an entry into the Fortnitemares Callout 2022 contest.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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