How to find Golden Seeds in Elden Ring
Gathering Golden Seeds in Elden Ring to improve your healing is an absolute must. We have tracked them down to help you along.
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Elden Ring Golden Seeds are a key resource for upgrading the number of charges in your Crimson and Cerulean Flasks, but you will need to track them down from across the Lands Between. Elden Ring is a tough game, but increasing how many times you can heal before needing to rest will make boss fights easier to deal with. So, if you need a rundown of all the Elden Ring Golden Seeds locations, we've got you covered.
We will break down the list of Elden Ring Golden Seeds by region to make finding them a bit easier. Here are all the Golden Seeds in Limgrave.
Limgrave Golden Seed #1: Ulcerated Tree Spirit
This Golden Seed can be acquired before opening the door to Limgrave proper. On the way out of the Stranded Graveyard, on the right, you will see a fog door sealed with a Stonesword Key statue. This is the entrance to a dungeon that is not really meant for early game players, but completing this dungeon and defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit at the end will net you a Golden Seed.
Limgrave Golden Seed #2: Stormhill
On the way to the first legacy dungeon of the game, Stormveil Castle, you will make your way to Stormhill. Head west from the Gatefront Ruins through Stormgate Canyon on the road that leads to the castle. Just before the Stormhill Shack, on the corner, you will see an Erd Tree sprout. These small, glowing trees are often found around the map, and a Golden Seed is generally found below each one.
Limgrave Golden Seed #3: Stormhill Shack
At Stormhill Shack, you will meet Roderika. Chat with her and she will tell you about how her friends have gone off to be grafted. There are two methods for getting a Golden Seed from her. Inside Stormveil Castle, you will find a Grafted Scion. Nearby there will be a pile of corpses, take the Chrysalids' Memento from here and give it to Roderika. Now, your objective is to defeat Godrick, the main boss of the area.
Once that is done, you can get the Golden Seed in one of two ways. If you have completed Roderika's quest, she will gift it to you at Roundtable Hold. If you did not, you will find the seed at Stormhill Shack.
Limgrave Golden Seed #4: Fort Haight
In eastern Limgrave, south of the Third Church of Marika, is Fort Haight. The Golden Seed here is at the base of an Erd Tree sprout. This one is just outside the entrance of the fort, head there and you won't miss it.
Limgrave Golden Seed #5: Outside Castle Morne
When you first make your way from the Morne Rampart site of grace toward Castle Morne itself, you might be a bit distracted by the giant who is firing arrows that are roughly the size of a house. That's fair, and if so you likely missed the Erd Tree sprout on the right as you approach the castle. Head back there when the coast is clear, you'll find the tree and the Golden Seed on a small cliff overlooking the castle.
Limgrave Golden Seed #6: Stormveil Castle
There is one Golden Seed within the walls of the castle itself. For this, you should proceed enough to the point where you are at the boss door for Godrick. From the site of grace by the boss door, in the Secluded Cell, go out in the opposite direction of Godrick. Go past the giant and the enemies here, and directly ahead of you you will see an Erd Tree sprout, just outside the room where you meet Nepheli Loux.
- Great Runes are a powerful tool in Elden Ring, but they need Rune Arcs to work. To learn more, check out Elden Ring Rune Arcs.
Liurnia is the second major region of Elden Ring, with a few more Golden Seeds for us to gather. Here are all the Golden Seeds in Liurnia of the Lakes.
Liurnia Golden Seed #1: Academy Gate Town
The Academy Gate Town is in the centre of the lake, you are bound to find it on your way to Raya Lucaria. Follow what is left of the road to the academy and before you enter the part of the town that isn't flooded, look north and you will see another Erd Tree sprout with a Golden Seed underneath it.
Liurnia Golden Seed #2: Ravine-Veiled Village
In the far north-east of the region, there is a river in a ravine that goes north-east from the lake. Follow this ravine all the way to the end to find the Ravine-Veiled Village. In this dark and dreary place, the Erd Tree sprout stands out like a lightbulb. Your Golden Seed is below it as expected.
Liurnia Golden Seed #3: Caria Manor
Caria Manor is a tough area to contend with. This large complex is in the far north of Liurnia, and you will have to deal with many traps and monsters to get through it. Make your way through Caria Manor until you reach the Manor Upper-Level site of grace. After this, go outside to find another Erd Tree sprout with a Golden Seed beneath it.
Liurnia Golden Seed #4: Academy of Raya Lucaria
This Golden Seed requires that you complete a decent chunk of the Academy legacy dungeon, and have beaten the Red Wolf of Radagon. Head to the Debate Parlor site of grace where the wolf fight takes place, then head outside toward the Academy proper. In the courtyard, you will see many crabs and hollowed people, and ahead you will encounter an Abductor coming from the left. Behind where the Abductor comes from, you will find an Erd Tree sprout with a Golden Seed.
Liurnia Golden Seed #5: Raya Lucaria Bridge
Once you have reached the Main Academy Gate site of grace at the entrance of Raya Lucaria, take the bridge going north-east. You will find a Golden Seed under an Erd Tree sprout at the end of the second chunk of the broken bridge.
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Siofra River is an underground region accessible by the Siofra River Well in eastern Limgrave. There is another section of this region that is locked off until later, but this Golden Seed can be acquired at any time.
There is just one Golden Seed in the Siofra River area. Take the elevator at the Siofra River Well down, then follow the path to the second elevator. After taking this elevator, progress through the area until you reach a site of grace on the left called Siofra River Bank. From here, you need to head north-east along the bank. There are a lot of enemies here that be very difficult to deal with, so your best strategy is probably to run in and grab this seed as quickly as you can.
If you go right and stick to the edge of the area, the river bank itself, you should avoid a lot of the enemies. Keep going until you reach the Worshippers' Woods site of grace. This will make a good starting point for the next part. From Worshippers' Woods, go north and you will see a large structure to the left. Take the bridge across, and you will see the Erd Tree sprout above you on the left. Jump up the rocks on your horse to grab it.
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Caelid is the third major region of Elden Ring that you are likely to visit. This barren land to the east is broken up into two sections, Caelid itself in the south, and the much more difficult Dragonbarrow in the north. It can be hard to differentiate the two regions but suffice it to say the enemies are much tougher in Dragonbarrow.
Caelid Golden Seed #1: Sellia Town of Sorcery
In the north-east corner of the Aeonia Swamp in the heart of Caelid, there is a town called Sellia. This place is filled with aggressive ghosts, so be on your toes. Go to the eastern side of the town then head north until you find some stairs. Go up those stairs, and you will find the Gloden Seed under an Erd Tree sprout.
Caelid Golden Seed #2: Road to Redmane Castle
In the south of Caelid, take the road down toward Redmane Castle. There is an Erd Tree sprout by the road on the left, you cannot miss it.
Caelid Golden Seed #3: War-Dead Catacombs
After you defeat Starscourge Radahn, the main boss of the region, this dungeon becomes available. Enter the War-Dead Catacombs and defeat the Putrid Tree Spirit and you will be rewarded with a Golden Seed.
Caelid Golden Seed #4: Outside Bestial Sanctum
If you head out the front door of the Bestial Sanctum and head down the hill, you will see one of those little Erd Trees on the right side of the road. The Golden Seed is sitting at its base.
- Corhyn is one of the other Tarnished you will meet when you first get to Roundtable Hold. To complete his quest and get an alternate ending, check out Elden Ring Corhyn quest.
The Ainsel River is another underground region, related specifically to Ranni's quest. You will have to pass by both Golden Seeds here on your way through so it is a good idea to grab them when you can.
Nokstella Golden Seed
Part of completing Ranni's questline involves making your way through the underground city of Nokstella. Beside the lift that takes you down to the Lake of Rot, you will find another Golden Seed under a little Erd Tree sprout so be sure to grab it before you head down.
Lake of Rot Golden Seed
Cross the Lake of Rot to get to the Grand Cloister. Here you would go down and straight ahead to proceed to the boss of the area. Instead, go down to the bottom floor where the river of rot is and follow it back to where it falls from the lake above. Approach the water(rot?)fall and an ulcerated tree spirit will emerge from rot beneath you. Defeat it to gain another Golden Seed.
- Diallos Hoslow is a character you will encounter at Roundtable Hold, then all throughout The Lands Between. To learn more about his quest, including the new section added in patch 1.03, check out our Elden Ring Diallos guide.
The Altus Plateau is the fourth major region players will visit in Elden Ring. The main method of getting there involves gathering both halves of the Dectus Medallion and using it to activate the Grand Lift of Dectus.
Altus Plateau Golden Seed #1: Erdtree-Gazing Hill
When you get off the Grand Lift of Dectus, head north up the hill. You will find your first site of grace in Altus Plateau, and just across from it you will find a Golden Seed beneath an Erd Tree sapling.
Altus Plateau Golden Seed #2: Seethewater River
Head north from the Erdtree-Gazing Hill to make your way towards Mt. Gelmir. On the way, you have to go through the Seethewater River canyon. On the left as you make your way north, you will find a Golden Seed.
Altus Plateau Golden Seed #3: Northwest Mt. Gelmir
This Golden Seed is near the entrance to Volcano Manor. While climbing Mt. Gelmir you will have to jump across some giant protruding rocks. This will bring you to the area just before the Manor, and the seed is found at an Erdtree sprout.
Altus Plateau Golden Seed #4: Altus Highway Junction
If you take the road from the Grand Lift of Dectus towards Leyndell, the road will split into east and north. If you take the road north, just off to the left you will shortly find a Golden Seed.
Altus Plateau Golden Seed #5: Minor Erdtree
Further north in the Altus Plateau, in the lowland foggy forest area, there is a Minor Erdtree north-east of the broken bridge. Look north-west of the tree to find a little glowing Erdtree sapling and your Golden Seed below it.
Altus Plateau Golden Seed #6: Windmill Village
This seed is found under a tree south-east of Windmill Village, along the road towards Leyndell. Try to avoid the massive rocks being flung at you from the castle walls.
- A visit to the Royal Capital city Leyndell isn't complete without an audience with the king. To learn more, check out our Elden Ring Morgott boss fight guide.
Next, we move on to the capital city itself. Fitting that we are right under the Erdtree now as there are some sites here where two Golden Seeds can be found.
Leyndell Golden Seed #1 and 2: Capital Outskirts West
Enter the main gates of the outer wall of the city and you will not miss the Phantom Tree at the junction and the two Golden Seeds underneath it.
Leyndell Golden Seed #3: Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Go south from the Outer Wall Phantom Tree and you will find a Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit in a camp. Defeat it to receive a Golden Seed.
Leyndell Golden Seed #4 and #5: Capital Outskirts North-West
This is very much the same deal as the previous double drop of seeds. Follow the road north to the second junction and you will find two Golden Seeds under another Phantom Tree.
Leyndell Golden Seed #6: Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Another Ulcerated Tree Spirit carries a Golden Seed for you to win. Go north-west from the Avenue Balcony site of grace, down into the large open area filled with rubble. The Tree Spirit will appear there if you move around, defeat it when it does for the Golden Seed.
Leyndell Golden Seed #7: Capital Rampart
From the West Capital Rampart site of grace, go south. There is a large gargoyle enemy standing in front of another Phantom Tree. Either defeat the enemy or make a run for it, the Golden Seed is found at the base of the tree.
- To get to the Consecrated Snowfields, you need to bring the Haligtree Medallion to the Grand Lift of Rold. To learn how to get there, check out Elden Ring Haligtree Medallion.
We are approaching the end of the map here, and if you have been collecting most of the Golden Seeds thus far you shouldn't need many more to max out your flask uses.
Forbidden Lands Golden Seed
This Golden Seed is found just before the entrance to the Grand Lift of Rold. While on the path toward the lift, the Golden Seed can be found on the right under a sapling.
Mountaintops Golden Seed #1: Mountaintops of the Giants East
This Golden Seed is an easy one to grab on your way through. Going north through the region you will reach a frozen river. Follow the river east, and then take the first turn to the right. The sapling will be immediately visible, and the seed will be beneath it.
Mountaintops Golden Seed #2: Flame Peak
Near the top of the Mountaintops region, instead of heading toward the Flame Giant boss fight go north-east from the entrance to the boss fight. You will find this Golden Seed beneath a frozen giant.
Consecrated Snowfield Golden Seed #1: In The Snowstorm
When you enter the Consecrated Snowfield you will shortly be hit by a massive snowstorm. From the Consecrated Snowfield site of grace, go directly north-east and you should find the glow of the tree fairly easily.
Consecrated Snowfield Golden Seed #2: Ordina Liturgical Town
Make your way north to Ordina, this peaceful town has a site of grace at its front entrance. From there, you should be able to spot the Golden Seed to the west.
- While making your way to the Haligtree you can complete Millicent's quest. To learn how, check out our Elden Ring Millicent guide.
This Golden Seed can be found deep within the Haligtree region. An Ulcerated Tree Spirit will appear from the second lake of rot, defeat it to receive the Golden Seed.
- Mohgwyn's Palace is a hard place to get to, but following our Elden Ring White Mask guide will get you right where you need to be, and get you a powerful item to boot.
There is just one Golden Seed in the Mohgwyn's Palace underground area. It is a bit difficult to get to, as it is in the middle of the lake of blood which is patrolled by some fairly scary and aggressive birds.
- Now we are reaching the end of the game, you might want to look into which endings you can get. To learn more, check out all Elden Ring endings explained.
Farum Azula Golden Seed #1: Near The Fountain Plaza
Head north from the Dragon Temple Altar site of grace, through the door and outside. Go down the stairs and continue north-west. Jump across to the broken pillar, then head through the small tunnel ahead. Go up the stairs, and open the Stonesword key door at the end on the left. Take the lift up inside the door, then head out into the Fountain Plaza. The Golden Seed is beneath a Phantom Tree on the opposite side of the plaza.
Farum Azula Golden Seed #2: Dragon Temple Rooftop
Starting from the Dragon Temple Rooftop site of grace, drop down the rooftops to the east then head south toward the dragon. When you get closer to it, the dragon will start using red lightning attacks against you. Avoid those, and continue until you are on the same platform as the dragon. When you get just in front of it, take a left and go around the corner. You will see a rooftop to your right, jump onto it and use it to jump to the higher platform on your left. The Golden Seed is here, at the foot of another Phantom Tree.
This is a fairly simple one, as one of the items you can choose to start the game with is a Golden Seed. Select it in the character creation menu to get this bonus seed.
- Elden Ring is tough, so give yourself a head start. Here's how to get 70k runes in Elden Ring in your first hour.
Those are all of the Elden Ring Golden Seeds we have been able to find so far. When we have more, we will update this guide. Until then, why not continue to improve your healing flasks with Elden Ring Sacred Tears.

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.
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