Warzone Season 5: Last Stand | Buffs And Nerfs
Use the Warzone Season 5: Last Stand buffs and nerfs list to find out which Warzone weapons are on the rise, and which are trending down.
The list of Warzone Season 5: Last Stand buffs and nerfs is extensive and impactful. Weapons that have long dominated the Warzone meta are finally getting toned down, while neglected guns receive buffs that will boost them into relevancy. So, before you jump into everything that Warzone Season 5: Last Stand has to offer, make sure to browse over the Warzone Season 5: Last Stand buffs and nerfs.
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Perks
- Fire Damage no longer decreased.
- Explosive Damage no longer decreased.
- Players must now be Tactical Sprinting for Warzone Serpentine Perk to activate.
Battle Hardened
- Stun and Flash resistance increased to 80%, up from 50% and 70%, respectively.
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Weapons
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Assault Rifles
AS44 (VG)
- Max Damage decreased to 22, down from 24
- Kovalevskaya 615mm
- Damage Range increased to 30%, up from 20%
- Vertical Recoil Control increased to 15%, up from 12%
- ZAC 12B Custom
- Initial Firing Recoil increased to 14%, up from 10%
- Movement Speed penalty decreased to -3%, up from -4%
Note: Raven Software found that the AS44 (VG) was performing more like an SMG than an Assault Rifle. So, in Warzone Season 5: Last Stand, the AS44 (VG) will deal less damage overall but have better recoil control to compensate.
- 8mm Klauser 40 Round Mags
- Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 40
Cooper Carbine (VG)
- Compressed Rounds
- Recoil Control penalty increased to -4.5%, down from -3.5%
- 22" Cooper Custom
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 35%, down from 50%
KG M40 (VG)
- Min Damage decreased to 23, down from 25
- Sprint to Fire Time increased to 1.02, up from 1.0
- Reisdorf 720mm Shrouded
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 38%, down from 45%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 24%, down from 30%
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 17%, down from 20%
- 6.5mm Sakura 40 Round Mags
- Muzzle Velocity penalty increased to -15%, down from -10%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 12%, down from 14%
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 16%, down from 20%
- 8mm Klauser 60 Round Drums
- Movement Speed Scaler decreased to 0.98, down from 0.985
- ADS Time Penalty increased to -5%, up from -2.5%
- VDD 22G Padded
- Recoil Control decreased to 12.5%, down from 14%
Note: The KG M40 (VG) has become too dominant for Raven Software's liking, so this nerf will further reduce its effectiveness at longer ranges. With these changes, the KG M40 (VG) will still be a favourite of beginner players, but high-skill players may choose to move on to other weapons.
Grau 5.56 (MW)
- Max Damage increased to 29, up from 28
- Max Damage Range increased to 1240, up from 1200
- Neck Damage multiplier increased to 1.15, up from 1.01
Note: These buffs have skyrocketed the Grau 5.56 (MW) up to the top of the Warzone most popular guns list. The Grau 5.56 is once again one of the best weapons in Warzone.
Groza (BOCW)
- Min Damage increased to 24, up from 23
Vargo 52 (BOCW)
- ADS Transition In Time decreased to 280ms, down from 300ms
- ADS Transition Out Time decreased to 280ms, down from 300ms
- Spetsnaz 60 Rnd
- ADS Time Penalty decreased to -10%, down from -15%
Vargo-S (VG)
- Min Damage increased to 22, up from 20
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.5, up from 1.3
- Mirzoyan 414mm Custom
- Damage Range penalty removed
- Sprint to Fire penalty decreased to 1.1, up from 1.15
- Nazaryan 336mm AG
- Recoil Control penalty decreased to -40%, up from -45%
- Sprint to Fire penalty removed
- Gabrielyan LW 298mm
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -60%, up from -80%
- 6.5mm Sakura 45 Round Drums
- Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 45
- 8mm Mauser 30 Round Mags
- Magazine Capacity increased to 40, up from 30
- .30-06 38 Round Mags
- Rate of Fire increased by 50%
- Mirzoyan Custom SK2
- Movement speed penalty decreased to -2%, up from -4%
Note: Season 4: Reloaded's Vargo-S (VG) never really got its chance to stand out in the competitive long-range Assault Rifle niche. Raven Software hopes to change that in Season 5: Last Stand, with the Vargo-S (VG) receiving a slew of buffs to bring it up to par.
STG 44 (VG)
- VDD 760mm 05B
- Horizontal Recoil decreased to 20%, down from 30%
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 40%, down from 45%
- 8mm Kurz 60 Round Drums
- ADS Time Scaler penalty decreased to -10%, up from -7%
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Light Machine Guns
UGM-8 (VG)
- Sustained Recoil slightly adjusted
Type 11 (VG)
- Sakura 487mm Shrouded
- Rate of Fire penalty decreased to -11.5% down from -15%
- Horizontal Recoil Control increased to 32%, up from 30%
- 5.6mm 45 Round Mags
- Muzzle Velocity penalty removed
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Marksman Rifles
Marksman Rifles in general have struggled in the modern-day Warzone meta, so in Season 5: Reloaded, Marksman Rifles now use Assault Rifle ammo, plus the handling and damage potential of each Marksman Rifle has been adjusted.
- Flinch decreased on Marksman Rifles by 33%
- Vanguard Marksman Rifles now use Assault Rifle ammunition
SVT-40 (VG)
- Time to ADS decreased to 400ms, down from 450ms
- ZAC 730mm Precision Barrel
- ADS Time penalty increased to - 8%, down from -7%
- .303 British 15 Round Mag
- Damage Penalty increased to -10%, down from -7%
- ADS Time decreased to 2%, down from 4%
- Recoil Control now 5%, down from 32%
- 6.5 Sakura 20 Round Mag
- Damage penalty increased to -17%, up from -11%
- Rate of Fire bonus decreased to 30%, down from 50%
- ADS Time decreased to 1%, down from 2%
- Recoil Control now 10%, down from 45%
M1 Garand (VG)
- Muzzle Velocity increased by 13.4%
- .303 British 12 Round Clips
- Magazine Capacity increased to 16 rounds, up from 12
- Recoil Control decreased to 5%, down from 25%
- 6.5 Sakura 20 Round Drum
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
- Rate of Fire bonus decreased to 25%, down from 43%
- Movement Speed decreased to -4% down from 2%
- Recoil Control decreased to 20%, down from 31%
- .30-06 16 Round Mag
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 30 rounds, up from 16
- .30-06 20 Round Drum
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
- Movement Speed penalty increased to -4%, up from -2%
G-43 (VG)
- Max Damage increased to 35, up from 34
- Min Damage increased to 31, up from 28
- ZP 770mm Precision Barrel
- ADS Time penalty decreased to -2%, up from -6%
- Fitzherbert 500mm Rapid
- Recoil Recovery now increased by 10%
- Wyvern 570mm Full-Auto Barrel
- Vertical Recoil increased to 20%, up from 2%
- Horizontal Recoil penalty decreased to -10%, up from -40%
- 8mm Klauser 20 Round Mag
- Magazine Capacity increased to 40 rounds, up from 20
- ADS Time penalty decreased to -2%, down from 4%
M1916 (VG)
- Time to ADS decreased to 310ms, down from 340ms
- ZP Custom Barrel
- Recoil Recovery now increased by 10%
- 6.5mm Sakura 20 Round Mag
- Rate of Fire bonus decreased to 5%, down from 20%
Crossbow (MW)
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5, down from 1.8
- Upper Extremities Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5, down from 1.8
- Lower Extremities Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5, down from 1.8
Note: The Crossbow (MW) was the sole weapon in the Marksman Rifle class to receive blanket nerfs across the board. This is an extremely controversial balance adjustment, as now the Crossbow (MW)'s one-shot capabilities are severely hindered. For how difficult the Crossbow (MW) is to use, these changes ensure it's no longer worth equipping.
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Melee
Combat Shield (VG)
- Movement Speed Scalar decreased to 0.785, down from 0.8
Scythe (BOCW)
- Melee Damage increased to 150, up from 145
- Attack Speed increased by 20%
- Attack interrupt time decreased to 450ms, down from 660ms
Dual Kodachis (MW)
- Standing and crouching melee range decreased to 1.7m, down from 2.4m
- Prone melee range decreased to 1.2m, down from 1.7m
- Standing and crouched charged melee lunge increased to 2.4m, up from 1.7m
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Handguns
Klauser (VG)
- Wyvern 170mm 29L
- Damage Range increased to 40%, up from 20%
- Horizontal Recoil Control penalty decreased to -15%, up from -25%
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -5%, up from -10%
- Movement Speed penalty decreased to -2.5, up from -4%
- Fitzherbert 200mm BL
- Muzzle Velocity increased to 50%, up from 40%
- ADS Time Penalty decreased to -6%, up from -12
- Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -1.5%
- ADS Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -2%
- .45 ACP 12 Round Mags
- Magazine Capacity Increased to 16, up from 12
- Rate of Fire penalty decreased to -4%, down from -10%
- Does the prospect of a Melee-Pistol hybrid appeal to you? Find out how to unlock the Valois Revolver in Warzone.
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Sniper Rifles
Warzone Snipers have been hit hard with nerfs as of late, with Raven Software announcing that they're finally happy with the Sniper usage rate. Still, Snipers could use a little love, so the Sniper flinch has been decreased for both Heavy and Light Sniper Rifles.
- Flinch decreased on Heavy Sniper Rifles by 11%
- Flinch decreased on Light Sniper Rifles by 40%
LW3 - Tundra (BOCW)
- Damage Range increased to 69 metres, up from 61 metres
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.52, up from 1.1
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.3, up from 1.05
- Extremities Damage Multiplier increased to 1.0, up from 0.9
- ADS Transition In Time decreased to 430ms, down from 460ms
Type 99 (VG)
- Shiraishi 712mm Sniper
- Neck Damage Multiplier scale increased to 1.62, up from 1.0
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.181
- Sprint to Fire Penalty decreased to -15%, up from -18%
3-Line Rifle (VG)
- .30-06 20 Round Mags
- Damage bonus decreased to 7%, down from 10%
- Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -6.5%, up from -10%
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Shotguns
Combat Shotgun (VG)
- Headshot Locational Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.05, down from 1.1
- Neck Locational Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.05, down from 1.1
- 12 Gauge 5 Round Tube
- Locational Damage Multipliers decreased to 2.5%, down from 5%
- Sawed-Off
- Damage Range penalty increased to -25%, down from -20%
- Bonus Damage decreased to 15%, down from 20%
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Submachine Guns
Overperforming SMGs like the Armaguerra 43 (VG), Marco 5 (VG), and H4 Blixen (VG) all received substantial nerfs in Season 5: Last Stand in an attempt to widen the close-range meta and give other SMGs a chance to shine.
Armaguerra 43 (VG)
- ADS Movement Speed Scale decreased to 1.32, down from 1.36
- Imerito 550mm 03P
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 10%, down from 15%
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 15%, down from 20%
- Imerito 180mm Short
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty increased to -15%, up from -10%
- Botti 570mm Precisione
- Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.14, down from 1.2
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 30%, down from 40%
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 25%, down from 35%
- 8mm Kurz 72 Round Mags
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10%, down from 20%
- Damage Range bonus removed, down from 5%
- 9mm 60 Round Mags
- Movement Speed penalty increased to -3%, down from -1%
- ADS Time penalty increased to -8%, down from -6%
- Imerito TA Skeletal
- Initial Recoil decreased to 10%, down from 15%
- Sustained Recoil penalty increased to -10%, down from -7.5%
Marco 5 (VG)
- Max Damage decreased to 32, down from 34
- Mid Damage decreased to 29, down from 30
- Mid Damage Range increased to 20 metres, up from 15 metres
- Imerito 342mm 04P
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 40%, down from 50%
- Recoil Control decreased to 5%, down from 8%
- Perfetto Lesto 355mm
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty increased to -25%, down from -21%
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to -15%, down from -12%
H4 Blixen (VG)
- Bergström 17" F3
- Recoil Control decreased to 30%, down from 45%
- 7.62 Gorenko 54 Round Mags
- Headshot Multiplier removed
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.13, up from 1.0
- Movement Speed Scale decreased to 0.97, down from 1.02
- ADS Time Scalar Penalty decreased to -4%, up from -3%
- Magazine Capacity increased to 45, up from 40
- Explosive Flechettes
- Magazine Capacity increased to 50, up from 36
Fennec (MW)
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.4, up from 1.01
- Leg and Foot Damage Multiplier increased to 1.0, up from 0.9
M1928 (VG)
- Chariot 2.5"
- Rate of Fire decreased to 10%, down from 15%
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -35%, up from -50%
- Chariot 5.5"
- Min Damage increased to 22, up from 21
- 8mm Kurz 50 Round Drums
- Damage Range decreased to 15%, down from 20%
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -25%, up from -30%
- 8mm Kurz 100 Round Drums
- Damage Range decreased to 15%, down from 20%
- Vertical Recoil Control penalty decreased to -25%, up from -30%
PPSh-41 (VG)
- ZAC 300mm
- Hip Fire Accuracy penalty decreased to -15%, up from -20%
- Damage Range increased to 25%, up from 20%
- 8mm Nambu 71 Round Mags
- Damage Penalty removed
- Damage Range penalty increased to -25%, down from -20%
- ZAC Folding
- Recoil Recovery increased by 10%
P90 (MW)
- Mid Damage increased to 22, up from 20
- Mid Damage Range decreased to 17.8 metres, down from 19.1 metres
- Min Damage increased to 19, up from 18
Striker 45 (MW)
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.15, up from 1.01
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.12, up from 1.01
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Attachments
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Muzzles
MX Silencer
- Recoil Control decreased to 3%, down from 4%
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10%, down from 12%
- Damage Range decreased to 7.5%, down from 10%
M1928 Silencer
- Recoil Control decreased to 3%, down from 4%
- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 10%, down from 12%
- Damage Range decreased to 7.5%, down from 10%
Mercury Silencer
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 4%, down from 5%
Note: With how overwhelmingly popular Silencers are as Muzzles in Warzone, Raven Software made the decision to slash some of their effectiveness.
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Scopes
SVT-40 PU Scope 3-6x
- Sniper Glint has been enabled
- Recoil Control Decreased to 1%, down from 5%
- Flinch Resistance decreased
- Assault Rifles:
- ADS Penalty increased to -10%, up from -4%
1913 Variable 4-8x
- Sniper Glint has been enabled
- Recoil Control decreased to 5%, down from 10%
- Flinch Resistance decreased
- Assault Rifles:
- ADS Penalty increased to -12%, up from -8%
Note: Snipers beware! Sniper Glint has been enabled on both the 3-6x and 4-8 scopes.
Warzone Season 5 Buffs And Nerfs: Gunperks
Tight Grip
- Sustained Recoil Control decreased to 9%, down from 10%
That concludes the list of Warzone Season 5: Last Stand buffs and nerfs. These balance adjustments should work to bring forth new guns into the Warzone meta and create a fresh experience as we head into Warzone's final season.
Want to test out Warzone Season 5: Last Stand's brand-new guns? Check out the Warzone best EX1 loadout and Warzone best RA 225 loadout.
About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.