How to incubate and hatch eggs in Palworld
Learn how to incubate and hatch all the eggs you've acquired in your adventures around Palworld's Palpagos Islands.
As you adventure around the Palpagos Islands in Palworld, you'll come across a variety of different coloured Pal Eggs. Hatching these eggs gives birth to Pals, but to do this, you'll need to incubate them first.
This primer details how to incubate eggs in the brand-new open-world survival and crafting game and everything you need to know to start hatching Pals.
How to get an Egg Incubator
To unlock the blueprint for the Egg Incubator on Steam, you must be at least Level 7 and have an Ancient Technology Point. You can get Ancient Technology Points by defeating Alpha Pals and Bosses in Palworld. The quickest and easiest way to get an Ancient Technology Point for the Egg Incubator is to travel to Fort Ruins and defeat the Level 11 Alpha Chillet.
If you're playing on Xbox or via Game Pass, you can unlock the recipe for the Egg Incubator with three regular Technology Points at Level 7. This means Xbox and Game Pass users have an easier time getting the Egg Incubator. Regardless, anyone can get an Egg Incubator early in their Palworld playthrough if they go about it the right way.
Once you've unlocked the recipe for the Egg Incubator, you can craft it with 10 Paldium Fragments, 5 Cloth, 30 Stone, and 2 Ancient Civilization Parts. Open up the Build Menu, navigate to the Pal tab, and place the Egg Incubator somewhere in your base!
How to use an Egg Incubator to hatch Pals
With an Egg Incubator ready to go, interact with it and toss in any egg to start incubating it! Eggs take several minutes to incubate fully, and you can see how much time is left by approaching the Egg Incubator.
How long it takes for an egg to hatch is contingent on a myriad of factors. Larger eggs take longer to incubate, and depending on the elemental affinity of the egg, it may incubate slower if the conditions are unfit. For example, certain types of eggs incubate faster if you surround the Egg Incubator with heat sources like Campfires or a Foxparks.
Your difficulty settings also impact how fast the Egg Incubator works in Palworld, and you can adjust your world's settings to either speed up or slow down the process. On Casual difficulty, Pal Eggs will incubate almost instantly, but on harder difficulties, incubating rare eggs could take days!
When it's finished, interact with the Egg Incubator to finalise the incubation and hatch your newfound Pal! Your newly-birthed Pal will appear in your Party if you have an open spot. Otherwise, you can find it in your Palbox.
Check out our Palworld homepage for more Palworld content like the best starter Pals to get through the early game, how to unlock fast travel points, and the type chart to help you figure out strengths and weaknesses.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.