How to get Vanellope in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Here's how to get Vanellope in Disney Dreamlight Valley, how to unlock the DreamSnaps quest, filter items and how to win this week's DreamSnaps challenge
We've got everything you need to know about how to get Vanellope in Disney Dreamlight Valley to unlock the DreamSnaps challenge and tips to help you earn votes in this week's photo challenge - getting you some Moonstones in the process.
The Disney Dreamlight Valley DreamSnaps update is a weekly photo challenge mode that can earn you a minimum of 300 Moonstones for participating, plus extra for voting in the game.
I'll go through the process of unlocking Vanellope and the DreamSnaps mode in-game as you won't receive it straight away. So, if you're eager for more Moonstones and to meet the sweet-toothed princess, make sure to continue reading below for everything you need to know.
Where can you find Vanellope?
To get the first Vanellope quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley and activate the DreamSnaps feature, you must first visit Scrooge McDuck, who can usually be found within his store.
Once you speak with him, he will direct you to the Dream Castle as he believes he saw a ghost there whilst rooting around for treasure rooms.
To find Vanellope and start the DreamSnaps quest, simply travel to the Dream Castle and find Vanellope hanging out on the top floor, next to the gold Mickey fountain.
How to unlock Vanellope in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Speak with Vanellope, who will inform you that her glitch ability is acting strangely. She thinks that taking a photo and sharing it 'on the network' will help ground her into this reality. This will start the 'Faith, Trust and Pixel Dust' quest.
This will also lead you into the DreamSnaps challenge. The premise of the challenge is relatively simple: each week you'll get parameters for a photo, which you must then meet to earn rewards.
To recruit Vanellope, you must simply complete the DreamSnaps tutorial and then place Vanellope's house in the Valley for 4,000 Star Coins.
You will then be free to give gifts, befriend her, and complete her friendship quests in return for unique rewards.
How to unlock the DreamSnaps challenge
The first DreamSnaps challenge will ask you to take a photo that includes furniture and clothing items marked with the 'Playful' and 'Familiar' filter styles. For extra points, you can also include items marked with the 'Modern' and 'Wreck-It Ralph' tags.
Once the initial Wreck-It Ralph DreamSnaps is complete, you'll have access to the first official DreamSnaps challenge which will change weekly.
Filtering items
You can see which categories your furniture and clothing fall under by choosing the following options:
- Open your inventory
- Select Wardrobe or Furniture
- Select the 'Filters' button on the top right of the inventory tab
- This will bring you to a list of filters, select the ones you wish and then click the back button
- You will see a list of items in your inventory that fall into the categories you have selected
- You can select the 'Reset' button at any time to reset the filters you have selected
You can buy furniture and clothing from Scrooge McDuck at his store. You'll notice that when you click on any of his products it will show the various tags they have underneath the object image.
Submitting a DreamSnaps photo in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Once you have decorated an area (either outside or inside) with the required objects, enter the selfie mode as usual and take a photo. Next, open the DreamSnaps menu (the D key if playing on PC).
- This will bring up a menu checklist of your objects in the photo and will ask you if you wish to submit it as your DreamSnaps entry. Press the T key to confirm and 'Submit'
- You can check the status of your entry by navigating to the DreamSnaps menu
- To do so open up the main menu, press the 'Event' tab, then click the DreamSnaps tab on the left side of the screen
Players who participate in the DreamSnaps challenge can earn a minimum of 300 Moonstones per week, with extra Moonstones available depending on your ranking within the challenge. You can also earn an additional 50 Moonstones per week by voting for your favourite participants.
Tips for DreamSnaps challenges
If you're struggling to fit the theme, remember these top DreamSnaps tips:
- You can take a photo both inside and outside of the Valley
- Wallpapers and Floor tiles don’t count towards the theme (for furniture challenges)
- The easiest way to make sure you have met the requirements is by filtering out furniture or clothing pieces
- Once you have met the DreamSnaps requirements, you can then place or wear items you like
- Try to use items you've collected from Scrooge McDuck rather than quest items or pieces you've earned from Disney Companions. All players will receive those pieces so it’s a good idea to use new furniture and clothing they may not have seen before to set you apart from the crowd
- You can also change the photo angle when in photo mode by clicking the V key if on PC
- You can also click the T key to capture more of the image instead of the preset square photo border and change the facial expressions or even get your character to hold a pet (this is particularly useful for outfit challenges to show more of the clothing)
- Remember to click on the 'Voting' tab underneath the Current Challenge section and vote on last week's entries. Doing so will get you upwards of 50 free Moonstones so it's worth doing!
- To have the companion posed in your photo, select 'V' to change the camera mode when taking a photo, then select the pawprint option on the first photo tab. This will pose your character with their critter companion
As well as earning Moonstones, participating in the DreamSnaps weekly event will get you exclusive clothing items and Pixel Dust.
Earning Pixel Dust will advance you on the Pixel track which operates in a similar way to most Disney companion friendship tracks. Each level you advance will get you either more clothing or Moonstones.
That rounds off our comprehensive guide of everything you need to know about the DreamSnaps challenge and how to get Vanellope in Disney Dreramlight Valley. For more tips and tricks, visit our Disney Dreamlight Valley homepage.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.