MW2 DMZ Downloading Instance Inventory error: How to fix & causes

MW2 DMZ Downloading Instance Inventory error: How to fix & causes

MW2 DMZ has its fair share of issues, few more frustrating than the Downloading Instance Inventory. Here is what you can do to fix it.

25th Apr 2023 11:47

Images via Activision Blizzard

Hampered by the MW2 DMZ Downloading Instance Inventory error? MW2 DMZ has had its fair share of issues, few are more frustrating than this one, but thankfully there are ways around it, but fear not as we have the fix detailed below.

How to fix the error

There are a number of ways to fix this issue, most of which are a bit sketchy. Essentially, what you need to do is bypass the part of loading into MW2 DMZ where the game loads your inventory. This happens just as you log in, so you need to get around that quickly.

First and foremost, try the usual methods. Restart the game, check for updates, and just generally make sure the game is working properly outside of this error. If it is, then we need a more specific solution.

Some folks have had some success with rapidly mashing buttons, opening the game and going straight to matchmaking or another menu to prevent the inventory from loading. This is not a reliable method for solving the problem.

There is a simpler way, but it does require some help. Get a friend to invite you to join their party a start a match. This should bypass the issue and allow you to play. Once in the match, your best bet is to lose as that will reset your inventory. It is painful, but doing so will fix the issue and allow you to play again.

What causes the error?

The inventory screen from MW2 DMZ

The exact cause of the issue is not entirely clear, but the root of it is. The Downloading Instance Inventory error appears, as you might expect, when the game has an issue with downloading your inventory. As your inventory changes a lot in DMZ, from procuring and potentially losing equipment as you play, keeping it updated is important.

Seemingly, quitting early from a match or disconnecting can cause the issue, so avoid doing that as much as possible. When the error occurs and the game cannot load your items, you will not be able to load into the game. This can be incredibly frustrating, so we need to work around it.

That is it for how to fix the Downloading Instance Inventory error in MW2 DMZ. For more, check out how to customise contraband weapons in MW2 DMZ and learn how to complete the Dark Water mission in MW2 DMZ.

Dave McAdam

About The Author

Dave McAdam

Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.

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