How to get to Pinnacle Peak in Fortnite

How to get to Pinnacle Peak in Fortnite

Find out how to finish the "Drive a Quadcrasher to Pinnacle Peak" Week 11 Seasonal quest — the easy way.

18th Feb 2022 13:17

Images via Epic Games

Pinnacle Peak is a brand-new location introduced in Chapter 3 Season 1. While not typically relevant, Pinnacle Peak is a must-visit destination for one of Fortnite's Week 11 Seasonal quests. To complete the challenge, you'll need to know where to find the Pinnacle Peak as well as the nearby Quadcrasher locations.

By the end of this guide, you'll know exactly how to finish the "Drive a Quadcrasher to Pinnacle Peak'' quest.

Where is Pinnacle Peak?

Pinnacle Peak is the official name of the massive snowy mountain top that the Covert Cavern point of interest hides within. As the name suggests, Pinnacle Peak is just the peak of the mountain, not the entire mountain itself. This landmark isn't labeled on the map, but it's the tallest point on Artemis.

Pinnacle Peak is located directly above Covert Cavern. You'll find this spot on the map northeast of Camp Cuddle and southwest of Logjam Lumberyard.

Typically, you'll discover one of the ziplines, a few chests, and some tents at the top of Pinnacle Peak.

Where can you get a Quadcrasher?

Fortnite quadcrasher location pinnacle peak

To complete the Week 11 Seasonal quest, "Drive a Quadcrasher to Pinnacle Peak", you'll need to get your hands on a Quadcrasher. Quadcrashers exist all across the island, but there are a few prime spawn points right next to Pinnacle Peak.

  • One just east of Pinnacle Peak, at the base of the mountain
  • Two at the Llama Homestead landmark north-east of Pinnacle Peak
  • Two at the Fortnite Nutcracker House location north-east of Pinnacle Peak

The Quadcrashers listed above are the Quadcrashers in closest proximity to Pinnacle Peak.

How to drive a Quadcrasher to Pinnacle Peak

Now it's time to put together everything we have learned about Pinnacle Peak in Fortnite and the island's Quadcrasher spawns. 

Begin a match and drop out of the Battle Bus toward one of the five Quadcrasher spawn points highlighted in the section above. Once on the ground, grab a Quadcrasher and make a beeline toward Covert Cavern on the map.

The Quadcrasher is built for off-road terrain, so it shouldn't be too difficult to navigate the rough ridges around Pinnacle Peak. If you ever get stuck or encounter a particularly steep incline, use the Quadcrasher's boost feature to proceed forward with ease.

Ride the Quadcrasher all the way to the top of the mountain that surrounds Covert Cavern. When you arrive at the summit, you'll be notified that you have reached Pinnacle Peak accompanied by an award of 25K XP for completing the quest.

Coleman Hamstead

About The Author

Coleman Hamstead

Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.

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