All Costa del Sol Cactuar locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Finding these pink monsters hidden throughout Costa del Sol was a pain in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, so check out all of the Cactuar locations here to save time.
I was certainly not hanging loose when on the hunt for all four Cactuar locations in Costa del Sol, as the colourful monsters have quite the knack for escaping the eye in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
While a host of minigames await Cloud and the gang in Gaia's most relaxing resort, one in particular tasks Aerith and Tifa with finding four hidden Cactuars across the resort alongside everyone's favourite Shinra Middle Manager. They can be an absolute nightmare to spot in the game though, so I'll let you skip the hard work and avoid the inevitable headache.
Where to find every hidden Cactuar in Costa del Sol
Instead of being physical objects placed within the world - which I initially thought - the hidden Cactuars are instead painted on objects found within the resort. You're looking specifically for the pink version and not its standard green friends too, so don't be fooled!
You are given a map once you start the activity, but this is extremely hard to read - at least in my experience. I've tried to give a general sense of where each location is near though, so you can use that to find your way around the resort.
You'll also be able to find their general location by locating the Shinra Middle Manager throughout the resort, so if you're at all stuck just look for him and a camera symbol should pop up.
Cactuar location #1
The first hidden Cacuar can be found on the south side of the street where the Run Wild minigame is found. Walk up near the giant inflatable Chocobo and look up onto some big rocks.
You should then be able to see the pink Cactuar in between its two green friends.
Make sure to zoom the camera in enough so that the reticle turns from blue to green - you might need to reposition if this isn't showing up.
Cactuar location #2
Head round to the left from this first Cactuar and down to the docks near the Card Carnival minigame. Walk all the way down the left-hand dock, and the hidden Cactuar will be on one of the tetrapod-shaped stones at the end of the dock.
Cactuar location #3
For the third hidden Cactuar, head just outside the building that takes you down onto the beach and look up at the sign above. You should be able to see the pesky pink Cactuar to the left of the 'Surf & Suntan' sign, so snap away to continue the game.
Cactuar location #4
While the other three are challenging but easy enough to spot if you know what you're looking for, this last one genuinely gave me nightmares. Head down towards the Shinra 8 cruise ship and before you turn left onto the dock with the ship there should be a row of shop stalls on your left.
Head behind these stalls and you'll find the Shina Middle Manager, and there should also be two red fire hydrants in the ground. Look closely at the one next to a group of people, and on its side, there will be the hidden pink Cactuar. Promise me - you don't want to know how long that took for me to find it!
Make sure to check out our dedicated Final Fantasy homepage once you've snapped the last Cactuar, as there are plenty of other guides that'll save you a headache, including all of the lost Wheelie locations, what to do with your Moogle Medals, and every region's Chocobo location.

About The Author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.