How to find all the Wisps for the 'Eerie Apparitions In The Night' request in Pokemon Legends: Arceus
Trying to collect every wisp in Pokemon Legends: Arceus? Here are the locations for every wisp in the game!
Searching for the Pokemon Legends: Arceus wisp locations? Pokemon Legends: Arceus tasks players with tracking down 107 mysterious wisps for the request Eerie Apparitions in the Night. These wisps are scattered all across the Hisui region, so you will need to put some legwork in to find them all.
Luckily for you, we have done that legwork and have mapped out every Pokemon Legends: Arceus Wisp Location.
After defeating Kleavor in the main story, while in Jubilife Village you will be approached by a young girl called Vessa. She will give you an Odd Keystone, an item that allows you to see these strange purple wisps that appear throughout the region. She will ask you to collect the nearby wisp, and then that you should seek out the rest of them around Hisui. This begins the request, and now you are left to find the remaining 106 wisps on your own.
Luckily, Vessa gives you an important piece of information. While you can see a wisp during the day by getting close to it, at night they are visible from a huge distance. So even while following this guide, we recommend you always use a tent to rest until nightfall. The wisps stand out at night, so you shouldn't have any issue locating them.
One other thing, while the request begins rather early in the game, many of the wisps are inaccessible without several of the riding Pokemon. For the sake of making life easier, we recommend you wait to tackle this request until you have unlocked Braviary.
- Looking to add the Forces of Nature Pokemon to your Pokedex? Check out Pokemon Legends: Arceus Incarnate Forces of Hisui.
Where are the Wisps in Jubilife Village?
Here are the six wisps that can be found in Jubilife Village.
- The first one is shown to you by Vessa
- Behind Galaxy Hall
- Behind Training Hall
- West of the farm, behind a shed
- Between houses west of the main central road
- By the shack next to Prelude Beach
- Want an extra challenge in Pokemon Legends: Arceus? Learn how best to find shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus Shiny Hunting: How To Shiny Hunt In Hisui.
Here is where you can find all 20 wisps in the Obsidian Fieldlands.
- West from Fieldlands Camp, wisp is on top of a large rock that must be flown or climbed to.
- North bank of Lake Verity
- On an outcrop above Alpha Snorlax
- Northern tip of a small island in the river
- On top of a large rock to the south of Lake Verity's entrance
- Top of the ridge on the south side of Ramanas Island
- Tip of land at the south of Obsidian Fieldlands
- Among trees to the east of wisp six
- On a hill south of Tidewater Dam
- End of the cliff north of The Heartwood
- On the hill above Oreburrow Tunnel
- On a small island below Obsidian Falls
- Southside of the hill south of Grueling Grove
- On a rock east of Alpha Rapidash
- End of walkable terrain going east below Worn Bridge
- On the small cliff above the road to Heights Camp
- Small outcrop from cliff west of Heights Camp
- Large outcrop directly above Heights Camp
- South of Nature’s Pantry, on the hill overlooking the river
- On top of a large hill, across the river southwest of Obsidian Falls
- Want to get your hands on Darkrai? Check out Pokemon Legends: Arceus Darkrai: How To Complete The Darksome Nightmare.
Here are all 20 wisp locations in the Crimson Mirelands.
- Start from Brava Arena, go east, on edge of a cliff overlooking Cloudpool Ridge
- Look west from one, this wisp is visible below in a corner in Cloudpool Ridge
- West of two on a lower cliff just above the river
- Directly south of three, on the eastern bank of the river
- On top of the ridge directly west of Diamond Settlement
- Southwest from five, the wisp is on a short cliff above the walking entrance to Scarlet Bog
- South of Diamond Settlement, on a cliff below where Alpha Onix appears
- Eastern side of where Lake Valor becomes a waterfall
- From the top of the waterfall, look south to see your next two. This one is on the west side of the river on top of a cliff
- This one is on the east side, among some trees
- Directly south of 10, on top of a cliff on the west side of the river
- Directly east from 11, at the end of a ridge beside a tree
- On the eastern edge of the map, at a dip in the cliff wall
- In the southeastern corner of the map, the west side of the river
- Eastern part of Holm of Trials, on a tiny island with Alpha Sliggoo
- Holm of Trials, south, within upside-down U-shape
- Southwest corner of the map, middle of a pond beside the river
- South of Gapejaw Bog, on a cliff above the bend in the western river
- North of Gapejaw Bog, on top of a ridge
- West of 19, where the lowest part of the ground meets the edge of the map
- While collecting the wisps you'll earn yourself a scrap of Reaper Cloth. To learn more about this check out Pokemon Legends: Arceus Reaper Cloth: How To Get One And Which Pokemon To Evolve.
Here are the locations of all 20 wisps in the Cobalt Coastlands.
- Starting from Beachside camp, on the cliff on the right when heading towards the beach
- Go south from one, find this wisp on a low cliff
- On top of the cliff between Aipom Hill and Bather’s Lagoon
- On the small island in the middle of Bather’s Lagoon
- On an island south of Deadwood Haunt
- On top of a rock on the middle island in Tombolo Walk
- Easternmost of the three tips of Sand’s Reach
- Small rocky island west of Sand’s Reach
- On the longest tip of the northern island in Tranquility Cove
- On top of a large rock south of Windbreak Stand
- Halfway down the cliff on the south side of Veilstone Cape
- On top of the ridge on the north side of Veilstone Cape
- The southern end of Islespy Shore
- Halfway up the cliff on the east side of Turnback Cave
- On cliff west of Turnback Cave
- Cliff at the northern end of Islespy Shore
- Tiny island northwest of Firespit Island
- Another island northeast of Firepsit Island
- Between two trees on an island south of Firespit
- On Firespit Island, east of the top of the lavafall
- Like wisps, certain Pokemon can be tricky to find in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. For more, here's Pokemon Legends: Arceus Munchlax: Where To Find Munchlax.
Here is where you can find all 20 wisps in the Coronet Highlands.
- At the Eastern end of the cliff in Heavensward Lookout
- Western bank at the end of the river
- Above cave entrance between two waterfalls
- Inside Wayward Cave, use Basculegion to traverse the water into another section of the cave. You will find the wisp here near Alpha Crobat
- On the cliff at the edge of the map, north of Lonely Spring
- On the tiny island in a pond on Clamberclaw Cliffs
- Directly south of six, on tip of a cliff
- On a large rock on the path to Ancient Quarry
- On top of a large rock inside Ancient Quarry
- On top of the cliff in the southeast corner of Fabled Spring
- On the ridge above the west side of Fabled Spring
- On a cliff east of the waterfall north of Fable Spring
- On the west side of the top of the waterfall
- In the southwest corner of Bolderoll Ravine
- On the western side of Stonetooth Row
- On top of a rock south of where Alpha Rhyperior appears
- Above the entrance to Primeval Grotto
- In a circle in the southwest corner of Celestica Ruins
- On a cliff overlooking Celestica Ruins
- Cliff north of Moonview Arena
- Even more tricky to track down than a wisp, is the baby Pokemon bonsly. To help you find one, here's Pokemon Legends: Arceus Bonsly: Where To Catch Bonlsy.
Here are all 20 wisps to find in the Alabaster Icelands.
- Halfway up the eastern cliff from Snowfields Camp
- West of Whiteout Valley on a large rocky outcrop
- On a hill east of the entrance to Hibernal Cave
- The northern end of Ridge east of Avalanche Slopes
- On top of a large rock in Avalanche Slopes
- Valley in the southwest of Avalanche Slopes
- West of fast travel point at Icepeak Arena
- East of fast travel, in a small valley of the path to Icepeak Arena
- West of Avalugg’s Legacy, north of cave hole in the ground
- On a hill south of Avalugg’s Legacy
- Head into cave northeast of Bonechill Wastes, go west through the cave then north
- On top of large rock southwest of Heart’s Crag
- On the cliff in the south of Heart’s Crag
- On large ice block northeast of Avalugg’s Legacy
- Behind one of the tents towards the back of Pearl Settlement
- Break rocks to enter the cave west of the bottom of the waterfall
- On the western cliff above Glacier Terrace
- Eastern side of the top of the waterfall
- On top of a rock north of Snowpoint Temple
- In Snowpoint Temple, go upstairs and through the first puzzle door, wisp is to the left around a corner
- Another Pokemon who makes a rare appearance in the game is Cleffa. To get your own, read Pokemon Legends: Arceus Cleffa; Where To Catch Cleffa.
When you have collected all of the wisps, head back to Vessa in Jubilife Village. She will give you the various rewards for collecting the wisps, then asks you to meet her at the Shrouded Ruins in the Crimson Mirelands.
Meet her there to collect the final wisp. Once you do, Vessa will vanish and a Spiritomb will appear. This is your reward for completing the request, so get a Pokemon ready to battle and catch Spiritomb.
That is everything you need to know to collect all 107 wisps in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. For more on the game, such as how to catch for yourself every legendary Pokemon in the game, check out our Pokemon Legends: Arceus Legendary Pokemon guide.

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.