Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Dates, times, bonuses, research tasks & more
A comprehensive overview of Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023, including when it starts and ends, bonuses, wild encounters, and more!
If you like Psychic-type Pokemon, you are going to love the Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023. This is the fifth iteration of this Pokemon GO event, focusing on the purple-type Pokemon.
It's an ideal time to grab your dream psychic Pokemon so you know it's quality! Let's go over what content you can expect to find in the game during Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023.
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Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Dates and times
The 2023 iteration of Psychic Spectacular kicks off on Wednesday, September 20, at 10am local time. Psychic Spectacular will run for about five days, concluding on Sunday, September 24, at 8pm local time.
Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Event Bonuses
During Psychic Spectacular, Trainers will receive extra XP for successfully catching Pokemon with Curveball Throws.
Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Timed Research
Psychic Spectacular 2023 features free Timed Research with a focus on Curveball Throws. As you complete research tasks, you will earn encounters with Solosis. And for the first time in Pokemon GO, you can encounter Shiny Solosis.
Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Wild encounters
As you might have already gathered from the name of the event, Psychic Spectacular is all about Psychic-type Pokemon. Below is the lengthy list of Pokemon that will appear more often in the wild during Psychic Spectacular 2023:
- Abra
- Slowpoke
- Drowzee
- Exeggcute
- Girafarig
- Ralts
- Meditite
- Spoink
- Gothita
- Solosis
- Elgyem
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Bronzor
Aside from Gothita, all these Pokemon have Shiny variants that you can encounter on rare occasions, too.
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Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Raids
You can encounter the following Pokemon in Raid Battles during Psychic Spectacular 2023:
One-Star Raids
- Unown P
- Unown S
- Unown I
- Espurr
Three-Star Raids
- Alolan Raichu
- Galarian Mr. Mime
- Hisuian Braviary
Five-Star Raids
- Genesect (Burn Drive)
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
Mega Raids
- Mega Gardevoir
Unown P, S, and I can't be Shiny, but the rest of these Raid Pokemon can be! Genesect (Burn Drive) will occupy Five-Star Raids until September 23 at 10am, but after that, Raikou, Entei, and Sucune will take over Five-Star Raids through the remainder of Psychic Spectacular 2023.
Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Eggs
Hatch 7 km Eggs during Psychic Spectacular 2023 to receive the Pokemon listed below:
- Smoochum
- Wynaut
- Chingling
- Solosis
Of these Pokemon, only Smoochum, Wynaut, and Solosis can be Shiny. Solosis born from Eggs have an increased chance of appearing as Shiny Pokemon, so hatching 7 km Eggs while the event is ongoing is an excellent way to farm Shiny Solosis!
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Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Field Research task encounters
Psychic Spectacular 2023 offers special Field Research tasks that award encounters with the following Pokemon:
- Kadabra
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Wobbuffet
- Metang
- Solosis
- Inkay
Kadabra and Metang don't have Shiny variants in Pokemon GO, but you can encounter Shiny Galarian Slowpoke, Wobbuffet, Solosis, and Inkay if you're lucky.
A number of these Field Research tasks will grant Trainers Mega Energy for Mega Alakazam, Mega Slowbro, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Medicham.
Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: Collection Challenge
Psychic Spectacular 2023 includes Collection Challenges. Complete these event-themed Collection Challenges to net rewards like Mega Energy for select Psychic-type Pokemon, Stardust, and XP.
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Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023: PokeStop Showcases
While the event is active, some PokeStops will have Showcases where you can enter your most impressive Spoink.
That's everything there is to Pokemon GO Psychic Spectacular 2023. Enjoy all that Psychic Spectacular 2023 has to offer from Wednesday, September 20, at 10am to Sunday, September 24, at 8pm local time.
Stay informed on all the latest Pokemon GO events at GGRecon.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.