These are the best Bows in Dragon's Dogma 2, including Magickal ones
Here you'll find the best Bows and Magickal Bows that you should be making use of in Dragon's Dogma 2 so you can have some powerful builds for your Vocation.
If you’re mastering the Archer and Magick Archer Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2, then you’ll need to make sure you have only the best Bows and Magick Bows to choose from.
The Bows you’ll find here are some of the most powerful weapons in the game and offer a variety of different benefits depending on your playstyle.
Best Bows in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The best Bows in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are:
- Darkening Storm
- Dragon’s Blink
- Dragon’s Rancor
- Hydra Husk
- Medusan Spellbow
The Archer Vocation has a wide variety of bows to use in the Dragon’s Dogma 2 and allows you to fire a variety of arrows that can do anything from setting your enemies ablaze to poisoning them.
Darkening Storm
Darkening Storm is not only one of the best bows you can get in Dragon’s Dogma 2, but you can get it relatively early in the game, as it’s located in a chest relatively close to the Checkpoint Rest Town (you could even grab it during the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest, or when you’re trying to get past the Border Checkpoint).
You’ll have undoubtedly seen quite a few Griffins flying about the world, and this bow is exceptionally powerful against them due to its high Knockdown Power. So if you’re aiming at a Griffin mid-flight, it won’t stand a chance against you.
Dragon’s Blink
Dragon’s Blink is a bow that infuses your arrows with draconic power before letting them fly. It’s fundamentally a good, strong bow that can carry any build and is easily accessed by heading to Awaran’s Arms in Bakbattahl. If you can afford it, I say buy it and use it as your primary weapon for as long as possible.
Dragon’s Rancor
As an endgame weapon, Dragon’s Rancor requires a lot of work to obtain, namely that you can’t buy it with money, but can only get it in exchange for 110 Wyrmslife Crystals. This is an exceptionally rare material for an exceptionally powerful weapon.
Hydra Husk
While the Hydra Husk is undoubtedly one of the best bows to get in Dragon’s Dogma 2, it can only be obtained from armouries and weapon shops during the endgame, and for a princely sum of gold.
However, if you can get past this limitation, you’ll have in your hand one of the most powerful bows in the game, with incredible base strength and Knockdown Power.
Medusan Spellbow
The Medusan Spellbow is something of a double-edged sword (or bow in this case). While it is one of the strongest in the game, it comes at a greatly increased rate of Stamina consumption.
If you can defeat the medusa in Nera’Battahl Windrift that carries it, you’ll be able to combine it with some of the stamina-focused abilities of the Archer to decimate enemies with potentially a single shot.
Best Magickal Bows in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The best Magickal Bows in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are:
- Blackwing Bow
- Dragon’s Breath
- Grianmhar
- Herald’s Helix
- Militant Dove
The Magick Archer Vocation will let you live your elven fantasy and provide you with some of the most unique abilities in the game (you certainly don’t want to miss the Ultimate Skill from the Maister). However, you need to choose only the most stunning bows to fire at your foes.
Blackwing Bow
Blackwing Bow is by far one of the best Magickal Bows to make the most of the skills the Vocation has to offer. With a high Magick stat, your homing explosive arrows are going to deal a huge amount of damage.
However, the only drawback is that it can be only obtained during the endgame. So, if you think you can wait that long, it will be well worth it once you’ve mastered your Vocation.
Dragon’s Breath
Dragon’s Breath not only has an immense Magick stat, but it also thrives on incendiary attacks, meaning the arrows that you control and can explode on your enemies will take a huge chunk out of their health bars.
To get it, you’re going to need to overcome your fear of flying and hop on the back of a Griffin so that you can grab it from its nest in the Dragonsbreath Tower.
Like the Dragon’s Rancor Bow, Grianmhar is exceptionally strong in Dragon’s Dogma 2, but it can only be obtained by trading 110 Wyrmslife Crystals at the Bay Wayside Shrine. However, if you’re looking to fell a dragon quickly, then this is the Magick Bow you need to get your hands on as soon as possible.
Herald’s Helix
Herald’s Helix is one of the most balanced Magickal Bows you’ll find in Dragon’s Dogma 2. With high Magick and easy purchase from Bakbattahl, you should be able to grab this and master it relatively quickly and allow it to carry you through the bulk of your journey.
Militant Dove
Militant Dove is one of the earliest Magickal Bows that you can get in Dragon’s Dogma 2 if you’re willing to pay a hefty price for it from the shop in the Sacred Arbor. What makes this weapon so unique is its ability to restore health while you’re standing still.
So, if you find yourself hurt during an intense battle, all you need to do is take a moment to catch your breath and you’ll be able to passively heal and prepare to get back in the throes of the fight.
That’s everything you need to get started with the best Bows in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Before you know it, your arrows will be flying and taking down even the largest of enemies. If you’re on the hunt for more DD2 guides, be sure to check out our Dragon’s Dogma 2 homepage where you’ll find plenty of builds like the Thief, Trickster, and Warrior Vocations.

About The Author
Jack Roberts
Jack is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. With a BA (Hons) & MA in English and Creative Writing, he was also the Gaming Editor for The Indiependent. When not pondering which game has the best cup of coffee (and drinking far too much of it himself), he can often be found playing Dead by Daylight, Street Fighter or making yet another build in Bloodborne.