How to rank up your Hunter class through Loghunt in Armored Core 6
Here's everything you need to know about the Armored Core 6 Loghunt in which players must track down combat logs held by enemies to increase their Hunter Class.
Armored Core 6's Loghunt mission spans not only the entire campaign, but New Game Plus, as well. Players will need to find tough enemies and destroy them to earn battle logs. These are often well hidden within missions, meaning finding the combat log locations within Armored Core 6 is a challenge in itself - and that's before you start combat. The rewards are worth it, however, raising your Hunter.
If you're looking to track down all of the Armored Core 6 Loghunt combat and battle log locations within the game, we've got them all here in this guide, including which ones you can find on which missions, and which ones you'll need to replay to find.
SPOILER WARNING: This guide may contain story spoilers, so be sure to proceed at your own risk to ensure details in the game remain a surprise.
How to rank up your Hunter Class through Loghunt
You must find powerful enemies throughout Armored Core 6 that carry Combat or Battle Logs in order to rank up your Loghunt and increase your Hunter Class. Some of these enemies are important to your mission, some are hidden away in areas you wouldn't typically visit.
You can tell if an enemy has a combat log that you can get when you target them, as there will be a small combat log symbol in the top left of the circle around them. Further, you can check which missions contain enemies with combat logs to track down any you missed.
Go to the Replay Mission menu and scroll through. Any mission with the combat log symbol beside it contains an enemy with a combat log. You can check the mission description on the right to see if you have that combat log. If it says BATTLE LOG: PENDING then you have not yet acquired it.
Each combat log has a rating between Bronze and Platinum. The higher the rating of the combat log, the more progress you will make in your Loghunt rank.
Why is it important to increase your Hunter Class? Put simply, doing so will unlock additional, Loghunt specific, items for your Armored Core. You'll also need to work through the Loghunt to check off the game's trophies & achievements list, notably the Combat Log Collector achievement.
Where can you find all the combat logs?
Here are all of the combat logs we have found in Armored Core 6, including which chapter and mission they are in, and directions to find the exact location.
Chapter 1
- Mission 4: Destroy Transport Helicopters - The Tetrapod at the end of the mission that Walter tells you to ignore (Silver)
- Mission 5: Destroy the Tester AC - The main target of the mission, cannot be missed (Silver)
- Mission 6: Attack the Dam Complex - Between the second and third objective, you will find a Tetrapod to the right on the frozen lake (Silver)
- The AC that attacks you at the end of the mission, destroy it before the final objective (Gold)
- Mission 8: Climb the Wall - Head towards the wall, then to the left side of the city. You will find three low-level enemies with combat log symbol (Bronze)
- Mission 9: Retrieve Combat Logs: At the end of this mission you will be attacked by an AC, defeat it before time runs out (Gold)
- Mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint - Acquired from one of the main objectives, an AC piloted by Sulla (Gold)
Chapter 2
- Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086 - Acquired from main objective AC Invincible Rummy (Silver)
- After defeating Invincible Rummy, head through the doors and directly up to the area above. There are two Tetrapods with combat logs (Silver)
- Follow the rail line near the Tetrapods away from your objective, and on the next left you will find two MTs (Bronze)
- In the furnace room, enter the pipe to the right of where the molten metal is pouring. Follow the path down to a secret room where you will be ambushed by an AC (Gold)
- After you exit the furnace area, there are three MTs on the structure in front of you, on the right side (Bronze)
- Mission 14: Ocean Crossing - When the lasers start to target you, drop down through the gap in the ground. Defeat the drones among the large cogs. After exiting through the door, go around to the right to find another platform with more drones (Bronze)
- We have the full Armored Core 6 achievements list for all of you perfectionists out there
Chapter 3
- Mission 15: Steal the Survey Data - Between the 2nd and 3rd furthest logs from where you start you will find a Tetrapod (Silver)
- Mission 16: Attack the Refueling Base - Under the bridge, you use to cross to the refuelling base, there are several enemies. Defeat the one firing lasers at you (Bronze)
- To your right as you cross the bridge, there are two thinner bridges. Head to the further of the two and defeat another enemy firing lasers (Bronze)
- Mission 17: Eliminate V.VII - Just before you reach the first objective location, there is a Tetrapod patrolling the area (Silver)
- Defeat the main target, V.VII Swinburne (Gold)
- Accept Swinburne's deal during the fight, then defeat the other AC Rokumonsen (Gold)
- Mission 18: Tunnel Sabotage - When you get the notification that the PCA are returning, go left into a room with enemies and defeat the one firing lasers (Bronze)
- Mission 19: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City - After dealing with the second fog control device, follow the path forward. Keep going straight until you find the enemy robot waiting on a circular roof (Silver)
- Mission 21: Eliminate the Enforcement Squads - From the beginning of the mission, go right instead of towards the wall. You will find a destroyed AC with a recording in a corner beside a large pillar. Interact with it to trigger an ambush by Ring Freddie (Gold)
- Mission 23: Attack the Old Spaceport - From the beginning of the mission, go right towards the spaceport, then use the catapult on the left side to reach the higher area. Outside the hangar, you will find a shielded LC (Silver)
- Head to the fuel storage area on the opposite side (to your right from the mission starting point) to find two LCs among the many fuel tanks (Silver)
- Mission 24: Eliminate Honest Brute - At the platform with the lasers, drop to the lower area and head to the central pillar. There are two rolling enemies there, the one on the right is your target (Bronze)
- Continue to the next platform to find more rolling enemies around a pillar, there are two with combat logs here (Bronze)
- When you reach the large platform with the train turntable, defeat the armoured Tetrapod (Silver)
- When you reach the last platform you will be met with a shield. Go through it, then defeat the rolling robot to take down the shield and get the combat log (Bronze)
- Defeat the main target, Honest Brute (Platinum)
- Mission 25: Defend the Old Spaceport - Defeat the main target, Raven (Platinum)
Chapter 4
- Mission 29: Underground Exploration - Depth 2 - Defeat G5 Iguazu (Gold)
- When you enter the tunnel section where blue lasers are shooting at you, take a right and defeat the enemies in the side room (Bronze)
- Mission 30: Underground Exploration - Depth 3 - Get on the roof where the blue lasers are shooting at you from, and defeat the enemies there (Silver)
- Defeat the main target, Ayre (Gold)
- Mission 31: Intercept the Redguns - Defeat main target, G1 Michigan (Platinum) (Cancels out Mission 32)
- Mission 32: Ambush the Vespers - Defeat main targets, DUAL NATURE and RECONFIG (Gold) (Cancels out Mission 31)
- Mission 33: Unknown Territory Survey - Defeat main target, V.IV Rusty (Platinum)
- Dropped by TSUBASA/Middle Flatwell during the boss fight (Gold)
- Mission 34: Reach the Coral Convergence - Defeat the two ACs at the beginning of the mission (Gold)
- After the ACs, cross the bridge and defeat the rolling robot on the way (Bronze)
- At the end of the bridge, drop down to the right. Pick up the recording and then defeat the MTs that attack (Bronze)
- Check out our Armored Core 6 best parts guide for all the meta weapons and best builds
Chapter 5
- Mission 37: Intercept the Corporate Forces - Defeat main target, V.I Freud (Platinum) (Cancels out Mission 38)
- Mission 38: Eliminate "Cinder" Carla - Defeat main target, V.II Snail (Platinum)
- Defeat main target, FULL COURSE/Cinder Carla (Platinum)
- Defeat main target, CIRUS/Chatty Stick (Gold)
All combat logs in Armored Core new game plus
There are a handful of combat logs that can only be gotten in New Game Plus. These generally centre around situations where you can make choices where you could not make a choice in the first playthrough.
For example:
- Mission 6: Attack the Dam - In New Game Plus, you can turn on your Redgun allies and fight them for their combat logs. (Gold)
- Mission 26+: Defend the Dam Complex: This mission is exclusive to new game plus, defeat main targets UMBER OX and ASTER CROWN (Platinum)
- Mission 9++ (New Game +2): Prisoner Rescue - At the beginning of the mission, go left instead of towards the objective until you find the Tetrapod near some tall structures (Silver)
- Defeat the main target, G2 Nile (Gold)
- Mission 11++: Attack the Watchpoint - When you are attacked by Sulla, turn around and you will see two MTs firing lasers at you. Defeat them and Sulla (Bronze/Gold)
- Mission 13++: Stop the Secret Data Breach - Drop down the same pipe in the furnace room that you did in Mission 12 and defeat the enemies there (Bronze)
- Mission 19++ Survey the Uninhabited Floating City - Defeat main target, Thumb Dolmayan (Platinum)
- Mission 29-B: Underground Exploration - Depth 2 - Defeat main target, DEADSLED (Platinum)
- Mission 33-B: Eliminate V.III - Defeat main target, V.III O'Keeffe (Platinum)
- Mission 33++: Unknown Territory Survey - Defeat main targets, V.IV Rusty and Middle Flatwell (Platinum)
- Mission 34: Reach the Coral Convergence - Defeat main targets, V.II Snail and G5 Iguazu (Platinum)
- Mission 35-C: MIA - Defeat main target, G6 Red (Platinum)
Those are all of the combat logs we have been able to track down in Armored Core 6. For more on the game, head to our Armored Core 6 homepage, where we have guides to help you beat the V.IV Rusty boss, find hidden chests, or pick the best generators in Armored Core 6.

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.