How to heal the Seven Forces with Med Mist at a battle location in Fortnite
Find out what a Fortnite Battle Location is and how to heal the Seven forces with Med Mist in Fortnite.
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One of the Week 5 Seasonal Quests assigns players the objective to heal The Seven Forces with Med Mist at a Battle Location in Fortnite. This doozy of a Fortnite challenge features a lot of moving parts, leaving many players searching for answers. With that said, let's go over how to heal The Seven Forces with Med Mist at a Battle Location in Fortnite.
To begin this Week 5 Seasonal Quest, you'll obviously need to get your hands on some Med Mist. There is no guaranteed source of Med Mist, but since it's of Uncommon rarity, Med Mist shouldn't be too hard to come by.
Search Chests and Floor Loot until you find a canister of Med Mist. Alternatively, head straight to the live Battle Location and look for Med Mist amongst the fallen loot. Battle Locations often have loot scattered all over the ground as a result of the clash, so there's a decent chance you'll find Med Mist lying around amidst the leftover plunder.
With Med Mist in hand, set foot into the conflict at a Fortnite Battle Location. Right now, Coney Crossroads is the active Battle Location. You can tell which Battle Location is active by the red text and X on the map.
Inside a Battle Location, you'll witness The Seven Forces engaged in combat with IO Guards. Keep an eye out for The Seven forces that are weak and have taken damage. Approach a member of The Seven Forces with your Med Mist out and hold down the aim button to spray them with healing mist.
Offer medical support to at least one member of The Seven Forces to complete the quest and earn 20k XP toward your Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Battle Pass and Season Level.
Fortnite Battle Locations consist of the points of interest (POIs) on the Island that are in the midst of Imagined Order (IO) vs. The Resistance skirmishes. When a Battle Location is live, its name will appear in red text on the map with a symbol of two crossed swords in the shape of an X above it.
Former Battle Locations now peacefully under The Seven's control include The Daily Bugle and Condo Canyon.
At the moment, Coney Crossroads is an active combat zone between the IO and The Resistance. This is a Battle Location where you'll find The Seven forces in action. In future weeks, Rocky Reels and Fortnite Tilted Towers will become Battle Locations.
- Interested in helping The Seven take back the Island? Learn how to help The Seven reclaim The Daily Bugle in Fortnite and how to help The Seven reclaim Condo Canyon in Fortnite.
The Seven Forces are The Resistance troops that engage in boots-on-the-ground warfare with IO Guards at Battle Locations. Visit a live Battle Location and you'll encounter The Seven forces waging war against the IO Guards that occupy the POI.
- Liberating a Battle Location with The Seven Forces will pave the way to funding another armored Fortnite Battle Bus.
Med Mist is an Uncommon Consumable Item that offers healing qualities. Med Mist can be sprayed on oneself or used on other players. Med Mist heals five health per tick with 150 potential health in each canister.
Med Mist is obtainable via Chests, Floor Loot, and Supply Drops.
Looking to take on more Week 5 Seasonal Quests? Two of the Week 5 Seasonal Quests revolve around the Fortnite Ranger Shotgun and the Fortnite Anvil Rocket Launcher.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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