Here's how to enable debug mode to use cheats in Crusader Kings 3
Looking for a full list of the CK3 console commands? Check out to enable cheats with the Crusader Kings 3 debug mode.
You may want to know how to activate the Crusader Kings 3 debug mode so you can use console commands and enable cheats, allowing you to customise the experience to your liking a bit more.
If you're struggling a bit with all the mechanics, or just want a fresh experience with the game, check out our guide on using debug mode and cheats.
How to enable debug mode
Enabling the debug mode for Crusader Kings 3 isn't a difficult process, but it does come with the major downside of disabling all achievements, so you may want to think about that before going through with it. Here's the full process for launching the game in debug mode:
- Right-click Crusader Kings 3 on your Steam library
- Select 'Properties'
- Click the 'General' tab
- Select 'Set Launch Options'
- Type "-debug_mode" into the text box
- Launch the game
Now every time you launch Crusader Kings 3 the debug mode will be enabled, so if you want to turn it off, you will need to remove the lines from the launch options text box.
There is a slightly different process for turning on debug mode if you are using the Xbox Game Pass version of CK3. Here's how to do it:
- Search 'Command Prompt' in the Windows search bar.
- Paste this command into the command prompt text box (without the quotation marks) and press the Enter key: "start shell: AppsFolder\ParadoxInteractive.ProjectTitus_zfnrdv2de78ny!App -debug_mode".
- This will load up the game's client, so just click 'Play' and debug mode will be enabled.
Crusader Kings 3 console commands
Now you've enabled the CK3 debug mode and loaded up the game, you will need to how to use console commands. Simply press the tilde key, which is located left of 1 and above tab, and this will bring up the console where you can input the commands below to mess with nearly every aspect of the game.
It's also worth noting that the square brackets in the console commands below don't need to be entered, just the value. For example, if you use the gold [amount] command, type gold 1000 instead of the brackets.
Console Command | Effect |
gold [amount] | Adds [amount] of gold to the player character. |
kill [character id] | Kills [character id] |
gain_all_perks [character id] | Gives all lifestyle perks to [character id] |
know_schemes | Discovers all schemes targeting the player character. |
end_schemes | All schemes targeting the player character are abandoned. |
instabuild | Holdings and buildings in the player character's domain are finished in a day. |
add_perk [perk id] [character id] | Adds [perk id] to [character id] |
add_piety [amount] | Adds [amount] of piety to the player character. |
add_prestige [amount] | Adds [amount] of prestige to the player character. |
add_trait [trait id] [character id] | Adds [trait id] to [character id] |
event [event id] | Triggers [event id]. |
give_title [title id] [character id] | Gives [title id] to [character id] |
set_sexuality [sexuality id] [character id] | Changes the sexual orientation to [sexuality id] for [character id] |
pregnancy [character id] [character id] | Impregnates female [character id] with father [character id] |
age [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of age to [character id] |
add_claim [title id] [character id] | Adds a pressed claim on [title id] to [character id] |
add_doctrine [doctrine id] [faith id] | Adds [doctrine id] to [faith id] |
add_dread [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of stress to [character id] |
add_maa [regiment id] [character id] | Adds [regiment id] of of men-at-arms to [character id] |
add_perk [perk id] [character id] | Adds [perk id] to [character id] |
add_piety [amount] | Adds [amount] of piety to the player character. |
add_prestige [amount] | Adds [amount] of prestige to the player character. |
add_realm_law [law id] [character id] | Passes [law id] to the realm of [character id] |
add_realm_law_skip_effects [law id] [character id] | Adds [law id] to the realm of [character id |
add_relation [relation id] [character id] | Adds [relation id] between [character id] and [character id] |
add_secret [secret id] | Adds [secret id] to the player character |
add_stress [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of stress to [character id] |
add_title_law [title id] [law id] | Adds [succession law id] to [title id]. |
add_trait [trait id] [character id] | Adds [trait id] to [character id] |
add_lifestyle_xp_all [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of experience to all lifestyles of [character id] |
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of diplomacy lifestyle experience to [character id] |
add_martial_lifestyle_xp [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of martial lifestyle experience to [character id] |
add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of stewardship lifestyle experience to [character id] |
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of intrigue lifestyle experience to [character id] |
add_learning_lifestyle_xp [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of learning lifestyle experience to [character id] |
change_culture [county id] [culture id] | Changes the culture of [county id] to [culture id]. |
change_development_level [amount] [county id] | Adds [amount] of development to [county id] |
change_fervor [amount] [faith id] | Adds [amount] of fervor to [faith id]. Default 10. |
change_diplomacy [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of diplomacy skill to [character id] |
change_martial [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of martial skill to [character id] |
change_stewardship [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of stewardship skill to [character id] |
change_intrigue [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of intrigue skill to [character id] |
change_learning [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of learning skill to [character id] |
change_prowess [amount] [character id] | Adds [amount] of prowess skill to [character id] |
clear_character_modifiers [character id] | Removes all character modifiers from [character id] |
clear_title_laws [title id] | Removes all title succession laws from [title id]. |
clear_traits [character id] | Removes all traits from [character id] |
discover_all_eras [character id] | Discovers all innovations for the culture of [character id] |
discover_era [era id] | Discovers [era id] and all its innovations for the player character's culture. |
discover_fascination [character id] | Discovers the current fascination for the culture of [character id] |
discover_innovation [innovation id] [character id] | Discovers [innovation id] for the culture of [character id] |
dynasty_prestige [amount] [dynasty id] | Adds [amount] of renown to [dynasty id] |
end_schemes | All schemes targeting the player character are abandoned. |
event [event id] | Triggers [event id]. |
gain_all_dynasty_perks [character id] | Buys all dynasty legacies for the dynasty of [character id] |
gain_all_perks [character id] | Gives all lifestyle perks to [character id] |
give_title [title id] [character id] | Gives [title id] to [character id] |
gold [amount] | Adds [amount] of gold to the player character. |
instabuild | Holdings and buildings in the player character's domain are finished in a day. |
instant_birth | Pregnancies last a day. Entering it again disables it. |
join_era [era id] | Enters [era id] for the culture of [character id] |
kill [character id] | Kills [character id] |
know_schemes | Discovers all schemes targeting the player character. |
merge_culture [culture id] [culture id] | Changes the culture of all counties of [culture id] to [culture id]. |
pregnancy [character id] [character id] | Impregnates female [character id] with father [character id] |
remove_doctrine [doctrine id] [faith id] | Removes [doctrine id] from [faith id] |
remove_nick [character id] | Removes the current nickname from [character id] |
remove_relation [relation id] [character id] | Removes [relation id] between [character id] and [character id] |
remove_trait [trait id] [character id] | Removes [trait id] from [character id] Pressing tab reveals all trait IDs. |
set_culture [culture id] [character id] | Changes the culture to [culture id] for [character id] |
set_dread [amount] [character id] | Sets the dread to [amount] for [character id] |
set_faith [faith id] [character id] | Changes the faith to [faith id] for [character id] |
set_focus [focus id] [character id] | Sets the focus to [focus id] for [character id] |
set_nick [nickname id] [character id] | Gives [nickname id] to [character id] |
set_sexuality [sexuality id] [character id] | Changes the sexual orientation to [sexuality id] for [character id] |
set_stress [amount] [character id] | Sets the stress to [amount] for [character id] |
set_diplomacy [amount] [character id] | Sets the diplomacy skill to [amount] for [character id] |
set_martial [amount] [character id] | Sets the martial skill to [amount] for [character id] |
set_stewardship [amount] [character id] | Sets the stewardship skill to [amount] for [character id] |
set_intrigue [amount] [character id] | Sets the intrigue skill to [amount] for [character id] |
set_learning [amount] [character id] | Sets the learning skill to [amount] for [character id] |
set_prowess [amount] [character id] | Sets the prowess skill to [amount] for [character id] |
yesmen | AI characters accept all proposals |
clear | Clears console history. |
effect | Executes a scripted effect. |
faction_spawn | Spawns [faction type] if there are valid counties or courtiers to create it. |
generate_cadet_coa | Generates a new coat of arms for the player character's house. |
help | Prints the description of [command], if empty lists all console commands. |
instamove | Armies more one barony per day. |
map_editor | Opens the map editor. |
nomen | AI characters refuse all proposals. Entering it again disables it. |
observe | Enters observer mode. |
play | Switches character to [character id]. |
portrait_editor | Opens the portrait editor. |
run | Executes the commands in [file name]. The file must be placed in Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III. |
set_is_ai | Allows the AI to control [character id]. |
set_is_player | Disallows the AI to control [character id]. |
add_dynasty_modifier | Adds a modifier to a dynasty. |
add_dynasty_perk | Adds dynasty perk. |
add_dynasty_prestige | Adds dynasty prestige. |
add_dynasty_prestige_level | Adds dynasty prestige levels. |
remove_all_dynasty_modifier_instances | Remove all instances of a modifier from a dynasty. |
remove_dynasty_modifier | Remove a modifier from a dynasty. |
add_house_modifier | Add a modifier to a house. |
remove_all_house_modifier_instances | Remove all instances of a modifier from a house. |
remove_house_modifier | Remove a modifier from a house. |
add_scheme_modifier | Adds the specified scheme modifier. |
add_scheme_progress | Add progress to the scope scheme. (Progress is in 0.0 - 100.0 range) |
end_scheme | Ends a specific scheme and removes it without any other effect. |
expose_scheme | Exposes the scheme to the defender |
expose_scheme_agent | Exposes the target character as an agent of the current scheme. |
remove_scheme_modifier | Removes the specified scheme modifier. |
scheme_freeze_days | freezes the scheme for X days (0 unfreezes the scheme) |
add_county_modifier | Add a modifier to a county. |
change_county_control | Changes the county control of a title. If the title has higher tier than county, the effect will propagate down to all counties below it. |
change_de_jure_drift_progress | Change the progress of de jure drift of a title. |
change_development_level | Changes the development level of a title. If the title has higher tier than county, the effect will propagate down to all counties below it. |
change_development_progress | Changes the development progress of a title. If the title has higher tier than county, the effect will propagate down to all counties below it. |
change_development_progress_with_overflow | Changes the development progress of a title. If the title has higher tier than county, the effect will propagate down to all counties below it. Will overflow, so adding +100 to a county with 50 progress left will increase the level by 1 and result in 50 progress towards the next level. |
clear_title_laws | Remove all title laws from the scoped title. DOES NOT apply law removal costs and effects. |
clear_title_laws_effects | Remove all title laws from the scoped title. DOES apply law removal costs and effects. |
copy_title_history | Copy title history from another title. |
remove_all_county_modifier_instances | Remove all instances of a modifier from a county. |
remove_county_modifier | Remove a modifier from a county. |
reset_title_name | Sets the name and adjective of the scoped title back to being based on its key. Won't cause the prefix to change. |
reset_title_prefix | Sets the prefix of the scoped title back to being based on its key. Won't cause its adjective or name to change. |
revoke_lease | Revoke the lease of the scoped title. |
set_always_follows_primary_heir | Sets if the title should always go to the primary heir in partition succession. |
set_capital_county | Sets the capital county of the title to the target county. |
set_color_from_title | Sets the color of the title to the same as the target title (shifted very slightly to not be identical). |
set_county_culture | Sets the culture of a county. |
set_county_faith | Changes what faith a county has. |
set_de_jure_liege_title | Set a new DeJure liege title. |
set_definitive_form | Sets if the title should use a definitive form name (no 'Kingdom of'). |
set_delete_on_destroy | Sets if the title should be deleted from the gamestate completely when it is destroyed. |
set_destroy_if_invalid_heir | Sets if the title should be destroyed on succession if there's no heir matching its restrictions. |
set_destroy_on_succession | Sets if the title should be destroyed on succession. |
set_landless_title | Sets if the title is landless (can be held by rulers with no land) |
set_no_automatic_claims | Sets if the title should disallow automatic claims (meaning claims will only be added by script, and by pressed claims being inherited). |
set_title_name | sets the name (localization key) of the scoped title. The adjective will be constructed by adding '_adj' to the localisation key. Won't cause the prefix to change. |
set_title_prefix | sets the prefix of the scoped title. Won't cause its name or adjective to change. |
title_create_faction | The scoped landed title creates a faction of the specified type against the specified target. |
title_join_faction | The landed title in the scope joins the assigned faction. |
title_leave_faction | The title in the scope leaves the assigned faction |
end_story | Ends a story and executes it's on_end effect, the story can no longer be accessed after this. |
make_story_owner | Makes the character the new owner of the story. |
add_innovation | Add innovation to a culture. |
add_random_innovation | Add random available innovation |
get_all_innovations_from | Discover all innovations from the target culture. |
get_random_innovation_from | Get random available innovation from another culture. |
add_character_flag | Adds a character flag. |
add_character_modifier | Add a modifier to a character. |
add_courtier | Add the target character to the scope character's court. |
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_perk_points | Adds lifestyle per points to the given character. |
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp | Adds lifestyle XP to the given character. |
add_dread | Adds (or removes) dread to a character. |
add_gold | Adds gold to a character. |
add_hook | Adds a hook on a character. Does send a toast to the player if it's involved. |
add_hook_no_toast | Adds a hook on a character. Does NOT send a toast to the player. |
add_intrigue_lifestyle_perk_points | Adds lifestyle per points to the given character. |
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp | Adds lifestyle XP to the given character. |
add_joined_faction_discontent | Adds (or subtracts) discontent to the factions the scope character is in. |
add_knows_of_killer | Adds the right hand side character as knowing of the killer of the scoped object. |
add_learning_lifestyle_perk_points | Adds lifestyle per points to the given character. |
add_learning_lifestyle_xp | Adds lifestyle XP to the given character |
add_martial_lifestyle_perk_points | Adds lifestyle per points to the given character. |
add_martial_lifestyle_xp | Adds lifestyle XP to the given character. |
add_opinion | Adds a temporary opinion modifier. |
add_perk | Adds the perk for this character |
add_piety | Gives (or takes) piety to a character. |
add_piety_experience | Gives (or takes) piety experience to a character. |
add_piety_level | Increases (or decreases) the piety level of a character. |
add_pressed_claim | Gives a pressed claim to a character. |
add_prestige | Gives (or takes) prestige to a character. |
add_prestige_experience | Gives (or takes) prestige experience to a character. |
add_prestige_level | Increases (or decreases) the prestige level of a character. |
add_realm_law | Adds the given law to the scoped character. |
add_realm_law_skip_effects | Adds the given law to the scoped character. Skips the cost and the pass effect, and the revoke effects of the current law. |
add_relation_flag | Adds a flag to an existing relation. |
add_scheme_cooldown | Sets a scheme cooldown for the scoped character. |
add_secret | Adds a secret. |
add_stewardship_lifestyle_perk_points | Adds lifestyle per points to the given character. |
add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp | Adds lifestyle XP to the given character. |
add_stress | Increases (or decreases) stress of a character. |
add_targeting_factions_discontent | Adds (or subtracts) discontent to all the factions that are targeting the scope character. |
add_to_scheme | Adds a character as an agent to the scheme. |
add_trait | Adds a trait to a character (the trait will not be added and no tooltip will be shown if the character isn't eligible for the trait, i.e. when already having the trait, having an opposing trait, not fulfilling the trait's is_potential trigger or being outside of the trait's range). |
add_trait_force_tooltip | Adds a trait to a character (if the add_trait effect would not add the trait - i.e. when already having the trait, having an opposing trait, not fulfilling the trait's is_potential trigger or being outside of the trait's range - a tooltip will be shown but the trait will not be added). |
add_tyranny | Adds (or removes) tyranny to (or from) a character. |
add_unpressed_claim | Gives an unpressed claim to a character. |
add_visiting_courtier | Add the target character as the scope character's guest. |
allow_alliance | Allows (previously broken) alliance with the target character. |
allow_in_scheme | Allow the character to join the scheme as an agent. |
apply_ai_vassal_obligation_liege_most_desired | Apply the new level for the most desired AI obligation level the liege in the contract wants |
apply_ai_vassal_obligation_vassal_most_desired | Apply the new level for the most desired AI obligation level the vassal in the contract wants. |
assign_council_task | Assigns the target character to the council task. |
assign_councillor_type | Assigns the target character to the first available council position of the type available. |
banish | The character gets banished. |
becomes_independent | Becomes and independent ruler. |
break_alliance | Breaks the alliance with the target character. |
cancel_truce_both_ways | Ends the truce against the specified character, and theirs against the scoped character. |
cancel_truce_one_way | Ends the truce against the specified character. |
change_current_weight | Change the current weight of the scoped character |
change_first_name | Change the first name of a character. |
change_government | Changes the government of a character. |
change_liege | Adds a liege change. |
change_prison_type | Changes the charater's prison type. Scoped character is the prisoner. Accepts any static modifier (see also improson effect). |
change_target_weight | Change the target weight of the scoped character. |
clear_forced_vote | clear_forced_vote = yes |
consume_banish_reasons | Consume' all banish reasons that the scoped character has on the target character. Until they get a new reason, they cannot banish the target again. |
consume_divorce_reasons | Consume' all divorce reason that the scoped character has on the target character. Until they get a new reason, they cannot divorce the target again. |
consume_execute_reasons | Consume' all execute reasons that the scoped character has on the target character. Until they get a new reason, they cannot execute the target again. |
consume_imprisonment_reasons | Consume' all imprisonment reasons that the scoped character has on the target character. Until they get a new reason, they cannot imprison the target again. |
consume_revoke_title_reason | Consume' 1 revoke title reason that the scoped character has on the target character. |
copy_inheritable_appearance_from | Copies the inheritable appearance attributes (inheritable genes in the character's DNA string) from the target character to the scoped character. |
create_alliance | Create an alliance between the scoped character and the target. The allied through characters determine who gets checked against for if the alliance should persist or not. |
create_cadet_branch | The scope character creates a cadet branch of the house he is in. |
create_faction | The scoped character creates a faction of the specified type against the specified target. |
create_story | Creates and initializes a story cycle with the current character as owner. |
death | Kills a character. Where X is a character and Y is one of the death reason keys. Or death = natural which will pick a natural death reason to kill the character from. |
depose | The character gets deposed. |
destroy_title | Destroys a title. |
end_pregnancy | End a pregnancy |
execute_decision | Execute the specified decision for the scoped character |
finish_council_task | The councillor finish the current assigned task successfully. |
fire_councillor | The scope character fires the target character form teh council. |
forbid_from_scheme | Forbid the scope character from joining the target scheme as an agent (and kick the character out if already in the scheme) |
force_add_to_scheme | Adds a character as an agent to the scheme and forces them to stay. |
force_vote_as | Forces the character to vote the same as the target. |
get_title | Gives a title to a character. |
give_nickname | Give a nickname to this character. |
join_faction | The character in the scope joins the assigned faction. |
join_faction_forced | The character in the scope is forced to join a faction by a character for a defined time. |
join_faction_skip_check | The character in the scope joins the assigned faction skiping the can_character_join trigger. |
leave_faction | The charcter in the scope leaves the assigned faction. |
make_claim_strong | Makes a claim strong (character adds the claim if not having it already). |
make_claim_weak | Makes a claim weak (character adds the claim if not having it already). |
make_concubine | Makes the target character a concubine of the scope character, the target should not be imprisoned. |
make_pregnant | Makes a character pregnant. |
make_trait_active | Activates an inactive trait. Tooltip will not be shown if the character cannot have the trait. |
make_trait_active_force_tooltip | Activates an inactive trait. Tooltip will be shown even if the character cannot have the trait. |
make_trait_inactive | Makes a current trait of a character inactive. Tooltip will not be shown if the character doesn't have the trait. |
make_trait_inactive_force_tooltip | Makes a current trait of a character inactive. Tooltip will be shown even if the character doesn't have the trait. |
make_unprunable | The scope character will no longer be prunable after their death. Use with care, as this will make everyone related to them unprunable too. So you should only use this if someone absolutely *needs* to stick around several years after their death. |
marry | Marries the scoped character to the target character. |
marry_matrilineal | Marries the scoped character to the target character matrilineally |
move_to_pool | The scoped character (courtier or guest) leaves their current court and moves into the pool. |
move_to_pool_at | The scoped character (courtier/guest/pool character) leaves their current court (if any) and moves into the pool of the specified province |
pay_long_term_gold | The scope character pays gold to the target character. (AI budget category long term). |
pay_short_term_gold | The scope character pays gold to the target character. (AI budget category short term). |
pay_short_term_income | The scope character immediately pays gold corresponding to their income to the target character. (AI budget short term). |
play_music_cue | Plays the specified music cue. |
recalculate_scripted_relation | Recalculates the effect of a scripted relation. |
recruit_courtier | Recruits the target to become a courtier. |
refund_all_perks | Refunds all perks of the character. |
refund_perks | Refunds all perks of the RHS lifestyle. |
release_from_prison | Releases the character from the prison. |
remove_all_character_modifier_instances | Remove all instances of a modifier from a character |
remove_character_flag | Removes a character flag. |
remove_character_modifier | Remove a modifier from a character. |
remove_claim | Removes an explicit (not from a living parent/grand parent) claim. |
remove_concubine | Removes the target character as a concubine of the scope character. |
remove_courtier_or_guest | Removes the target character (guest or courtier) from the scope character's court. |
remove_decision_cooldown | Remove the cooldown on taking a decision for the scoped character. |
remove_hook | Removes a hook on a character. If type is specified, the hook will only be removed if it is of that type. |
remove_interaction_cooldown | Remove the cooldown on using an interaction for the scoped character. |
remove_interaction_cooldown_against | Remove the cooldown on using an interaction against the target character for the scoped character. |
remove_long_term_gold | Removes gold from a character (AI's long term budget). |
remove_nickname | Removes any nickname from the current character. |
remove_opinion | Removes a temporary opinion modifier. Where X is a character, Y is the opinion modifier, Z tells whether to remove all instances of the modifier or just one. |
remove_perk | Remove the perk for this character |
remove_realm_law | Removes the given law from the scoped character. This will leave the law group empty, so only do this if you're getting rid of a law group. |
remove_relation_best_friend | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_bully | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_court_physician | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_crush | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_flag | |
remove_relation_friend | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_guardian | Removes scripted relationship |
remove_relation_intrigue_mentor | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_intrigue_student | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_lover | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_mentor | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_nemesis | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_oaf | Removes scripted relationship |
remove_relation_potential_friend | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_potential_lover | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_potential_rival | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_rival | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_soldier_friend | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_soulmate | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_student | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_victim | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_relation_ward | Removes scripted relationship. |
remove_scheme_cooldown_against | Remove the cooldown on using a scheme against the target character for the scoped character |
remove_short_term_gold | Removes gold from a character (AI's short term budget). |
remove_trait | Removes a trait from a character. Tooltip will not be shown if the character doesn't have the trait. |
remove_trait_force_tooltip | Removes a trait from a character. Tooltip will be shown even if the character doesn't have the trait. |
reset_beneficiary | The target character stops having a beneficiary. |
return_to_court | Returns the scope character to the employers court. |
reverse_add_opinion | Adds a temporary reverse opinion modifier. X is a scripted modifier name. Y can be a value or a range "{ A B }" If no timeout are specified, the modifier's scripted default timeout will be used. |
scriptedtests_recalculate_character_modifier | Recalculates the modifier of the scoped character. |
scriptedtests_recalculate_succession | Recalculates the line of succession of the scoped character. |
set_absolute_country_control | Sets if this character has absolute country control. |
set_beneficiary | The target character becomes the beneficiary of the scoped character. |
set_character_faith | Changes what faith a character has executing the effects for it. For history setup use 'set_character_faith_history' instead. |
set_character_faith_history | Changes what faith a character has NOT executing the effects for it. USE ONLY IN HISOTRY SETUP! |
set_character_faith_with_conversion | Changes what faith a character has, as if they used the faith-view interaction (minus the piety cost). So vassals who'd accept will get converted, as will capitals |
set_child_of_concubine_on_pregnancy | Sets the child to be (or not be) a child of a concubine during pregnancy |
set_council_task | Sets the task of the scope councillor |
set_culture | Set the culture for this character |
set_culture_same_as | Sets the culture of the character to be the same as the culture of the target. |
set_death_reason | Sets the death reason and the killer of a dead character. |
set_default_education | Sets the default education focus for this character. |
set_designated_heir | Sets the given character as designated heir. |
set_employer | Add the scope character to the target character's court. |
set_father | Sets the father of a character. |
set_focus | Set the focus for this character |
set_house | Sets the dynasty house of the character. |
set_immortal_age | Changes what age the character became immortal at. Only works if already immortal. |
set_killer_public | Sets the scoped character's killer as being publicly known |
set_known_bastard_on_pregnancy | Sets the child to a known or unknown bastard during pregnancy. |
set_num_pregnancy_children | Set the number of children |
set_override_designated_winner | The scoped character will put their beneficiary on the throne if they're the #1 participant if this is called with 'yes'. Call with 'no' to turn it off again. |
set_player_character | The scope character's player will now play as the target character. Scope must be player-controlled. Target cannot be player-controlled. |
set_pregnancy_assumed_father | Set the assumed father of the pregnancy. |
set_primary_spouse | Set the primary spouse of a character. |
set_primary_title_to | Sets the primary title for a character. |
set_real_father | Changes the real father of the character scope. |
set_realm_capital | Set a new realm capital |
set_relation_best_friend | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_bully | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_court_physician | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_crush | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_friend | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_guardian | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_intrigue_mentor | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_intrigue_student | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_lover | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_mentor | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_nemesis | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_oaf | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_potential_friend | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_potential_lover | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_potential_rival | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_rival | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_soldier_friend | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_soulmate | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_student | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_victim | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_relation_ward | Sets scripted relationship. |
set_sexuality | Sets the sexuality of the character |
set_to_lowborn | Set the character to lowborn. |
set_vassal_contract_modification_blocked | Blocks the vassal contract from being modified with regards to being checked by 'vassal_contract_is_blocked_from_modification' |
spawn_army | Spawns an army for this character. If the character is not at war, the regiments will be created, but the army will not be spawned. |
start_default_task | Force the Councillor to revert to the default task. Any relevant percentage progress will be lost (even if the councillor was performing the default task already). |
start_scheme | |
start_war | Starts a war. X is a casus belli type, Y is the target character, Z i the (optional) claimant, W1, W2.... are targeted titles. |
stress_impact | Stress impact according to specified traits (trait = value), use base = value for a base value that's always added. |
use_hook | Uses a hook a character has (removes if weak, puts on cooldown if strong). |
vassal_contract_decrease_obligation_level | Decrease the obligation level of the scoped character's vassal contract. |
vassal_contract_increase_obligation_level | Increase the obligation level of the scoped character's vassal contract. |
vassal_contract_set_obligation_level | Change the obligation level of the scoped character's vassal contract. |
visit_court_of | Add the scope character as the target character's guest. |
add_faction_discontent | Adds (or subtracts) discontent to the scope faction. |
destroy_faction | The scope faction is destroyed. |
faction_remove_war | Removes the war currently associated with the faction. |
faction_start_war | The scope faction starts the war against their target. |
remove_special_character | Removes the special character for the scope faction |
remove_special_title | Removes the special character for the scope faction. |
set_special_character | Sets the special character for the scope faction. |
set_special_title | Sets the special title for the scope faction |
add_attacker | Adds the target character to the scope war as an attacker. |
add_defender | Adds the target character to the scope war as a defender. |
end_war | Ends the war with the specified winner. |
remove_participant | Removes the target character from the scope war. |
set_called_to | Sets the target character as already called to the scope war. |
set_casus_belli | Sets the casus belli of the scope war. |
activate_holy_site | Activate an inactive holy site. |
add_doctrine | Add doctrine to faith. |
change_fervor | Changes the fervor of the faith by the given value. |
remove_doctrine | Remove doctrine from faith. |
remove_religious_head_title | Removes the religious head title of the faith. |
set_religious_head_title | Sets the religious head title of the faith to the given title. |
start_great_holy_war | Starts a great holy war. |
set_add_claim_on_loss | If set, any title losses will result in claims being added to the previous holder. |
set_title_and_vassal_change_type | Sets the type of change. |
add_secret_participant | Adds an participant to the secret. |
disable_exposure_by | Forbids the target character from exposing the secret |
If you also want to know how to raid in Crusader Kings 3, we've got you covered with a full breakdown of the mechanic.

About The Author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.