How to find the White Ravens for the Bloodhound Chronicles quest in Apex Legends
All Apex Legends White Raven locations and how to complete the Bloodhound Chronicles quest.
The Apex Legends White Raven is an elusive creature. The White Raven is the focus of the Apex Legends Bloodhound Apex Chronicles event, “Old Ways, New Dawn”, and this article will guide you through every chapter of the event and show off where to find the White Raven locations in Apex Legends.
How to start the Bloodhound White Raven quest
To trigger the White Raven to appear, Apex Legends players must have Bloodhound locked in as their chosen legend. The White Raven will not be visible to anyone but Bloodhound. Furthermore, the White Raven only spawns on World’s Edge in the unranked Battle Royale playlist. Only under these circumstances may you begin the Apex Chronicles “Old Ways, New Dawn” event.
We recommend unchecking the “fill squadmates” option before you start the match. This will allow you to play solo and guarantees you get to play as Bloodhound. Otherwise, your entire team will be fighting to play Bloodhound. Not to mention, your teammates may get annoyed if you play as Bloodhound and then leave them to run off and find the White Raven.
The Prologue of this Bloodhound-specific quest tasks Apex Legends players with meeting the White Raven for the first time.
Apex Legends players will find the first White Raven somewhere around Lava Siphon. The exact location where the White Raven will appear is different for each player, but the White Raven will always be at Lava Siphon.
Open your map at the start of the match and it will show you an approximate location of where the White Raven is. Fly there and search the area for the White Raven. Once you have located the White Raven, interact with it. Speaking with the White Raven will complete the Prologue and initiate the next step of the Bloodhound quest.
Chapter 1 “Old Ways”
Now, players must track down an injured prowler. After speaking with the White Raven for the first time, it will fly away and leave you with some injured prowler tracks. Use Bloodhound’s tracking expertise to follow the injured prowler’s tracks. Stalk the tracks until you come across the White Raven once again. Speak with the White Raven a second time to complete Chapter 1 "Old Ways".
Chapter 2 “Cold Tracks”
This next chapter in the Bloodhound Apex Chronicles requires Bloodhound players to speak with the White Raven yet another time. This time, the White Raven will be perched somewhere between Landslide and Skyhook.
Start a match of unranked Battle Royale and use your map to identify the exact location of the White Raven. Land within the highlighted circle on your map and look out for the marker symbolizing the White Raven’s location. Speak with the White Raven to once again be given a set of wounded prowler tracks to follow.
These wounded prowler tracks will lead the Bloodhound player to The Epicenter. Like the White Ravens from before, the exact location will be different for each player. However, the White Raven will always be sitting somewhere around the outer edge of The Epicenter.
Follow the wounded prowler tracks from the Landslide/Skyhook location to The Epicenter to finish Chapter 2 of the Bloodhound White Raven quest.
Chapter 3 “Dying Embers”
Apex Legends players will find the first White Raven location of Chapter 3 somewhere around The Epicenter. Land at The Epicenter and seek out the White Raven to begin Chapter 3.
Interacting with the White Raven will cause it to flee, leaving you with more tracks to follow. Follow the tracks until you come across the White Raven a second time. This time, the White Raven will be perched on top of a campfire.
Again, players will be left with injured prowler tracks to follow. These tracks will lead to a marker at the outer barrier of World’s Edge. Bloodhound will then announce that you must wait until next time to pursue the tracks. This indicates the end of Chapter 3.
Bloodhound White Raven Quest: Finale
The Finale of the Apex Legends Bloodhound White Raven quest works a bit differently than the previous chapters. Instead of entering unranked Battle Royale, players must head to the Firing Range.
Once at the Firing Range, proceed to the landing pad toward the back of the range. Interact with the control panel atop the launchpad to call down a Dropship. The Dropship will take you to an uncharted cavern on World’s Edge.
Navigate through the caves, following the bloody tracks of the injured prowler. Once you reach the prowler, interact with it. This will initiate a final cutscene where Bloodhound experiences an intense epiphany as they relive the guilt of their past failures and the fall of their homeworld.
Bloodhound White Raven Quest: Rewards
Apex Legends players will receive special rewards for completing the Bloodhound Apex Chronicles quest chapters.
Each completed chapter of the Old Ways, New Dawn event will reward players with five Battle Stars for their Season 10 Battle Pass.
The most enticing reward though is the free Bloodhound Apex Packs. Players that complete the entire questline will be rewarded with three Bloodhound Apex Packs. When opened, these unique Apex Packs will grant players Bloodhound-specific cosmetics of Rare or higher quality. Only Bloodhound skins and Bloodhound cosmetics will pop out of these Apex Packs.
Bloodhound White Raven Quest: Tips And Tricks
Having issues with teammates stealing Bloodhound from you? Uncheck the option for “fill squadmates” before you begin a match. This will put you on a team solo and ensure your opportunity to play as the legendary tracker.
Keep in mind that progress toward the Bloodhound White Raven quest is saved periodically as you complete the steps. If an enemy player takes you out midway through your quest, most of your progress will still be saved and you can continue in a new match.
To go along with the above, every Apex Legends player will be assigned a unique White Raven and wounded prowler path to follow. There will not be groups of Bloodhound players all trying to find the same White Raven. This also means that you cannot just follow another Bloodhound or copy a path you saw on YouTube. You will need to use Bloodhound’s tracking ability to find the exact location of the White Raven yourself.
These are all the locations where players can find the White Raven in Apex Legends. Track down and find the White Raven to complete each chapter of the Bloodhound Apex Chronicles “Old Ways, New Dawn” event.
That concludes the Apex Legends Bloodhound Chronicles questline. There will no doubt be future Apex Chronicles events focusing on different legends. Until then, stay tuned here at GGRecon for Apex Legends news, guides, features, and more.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.