Reach this rank to get the Ghost Perk in MW2

Reach this rank to get the Ghost Perk in MW2

Find out how to unlock the Ghost Perk in MW2.

01st Nov 2022 09:53

Images via Activision

The Ghost Perk has always been a favorite of aggressive flankers and the primary counter to those pesky UAVs and other Call of Duty devices that cause players to show up on the minimap.

Since the MW2 Perks operate a bit differently this time around, with Perk Packages and the brand-new Bonus and Ultimate Perks, it's only natural that many in the community are wondering how to get the Ghost Perk.

How can you get the Ghost Perk?


The Ghost Perk is the last Perk you unlock. With the max rank set at 55, you don't unlock the Ghost Perk until Rank 52.

Despite this, there is a way to get the Ghost Perk early. The Ghost Perk is built-in to the Phantom Perk Package. So, if you're all right sacrificing the flexibility that Custom Packages offer and really want Ghost, you can assign the Phantom Package to your Custom Loadout as soon as Rank 4.

What is the Ghost Perk?

Ghost is an iconic Call of Duty Perk and a mainstay in the franchise dating back to Black Ops. Throughout the history of Call of Duty, Ghost has been earmarked as a Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3, and now, in Modern Warfare 2, Ghost is an Ultimate Perk.


Ghost works similarly to other prominent Call of Duty Perks like UAV Jammer, Camouflage, and Cold-Blooded. When equipped, Ghost users are undetectable by UAVs, Portable Radars, and Heartbeat Sensors.

How to activate the Ghost Perk in MW2

For the first time in Call of Duty, not every Perk in your Custom Class is active at the beginning of a match. To receive the benefits of the MW2 Ghost Perk in-game, you have to trigger it.

By default, Ultimate Perks like Ghost turn on eight minutes into a Multiplayer match. However, eliminations and assists, plus objective and tactical play, will cut seconds, sometimes even minutes, off this timer. You'll receive a notification when your Bonus and Ultimate Perks are about to kick in.


So, if you want to avoid showing up as a bright red dot on the minimap all the time, be sure to grind out those levels and unlock the Ghost Perk.

Coleman Hamstead

About The Author

Coleman Hamstead

Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.

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