How to get Biomass & Power Cells in LEGO Fortnite

How to get Biomass & Power Cells in LEGO Fortnite

Do you want to start building and driving vehicles in LEGO Fortnite but don't have all the necessary materials and parts? Learn how to get two key ingredients: Biomass and Power Cells.

29th Mar 2024 11:43

Images via Epic Games

Biomass and Power Cells are new to LEGO Fortnite, but both are vital to the operation of vehicles like the Speeder, Offroader, and Hauler. LEGO Fortnite's fresh Toys require power, which comes from Biomass-infused Power Cells.

Let's review how to get Biomass and Power Cells and how to make use of these items in the open-world survival game from Epic Games and The LEGO Group.

How to get Biomass

A Compost Bin in LEGO Fortnite

To create Biomass, you need a Compost Bin. This new Station transforms resources into Soil, Fertiliser, and/or Biomass, depending on what you put into it. Crafting a Compost Bin requires one Sand, two Soil, three Fertiliser, and five Wooden Planks.

While there's a lengthy list of food, beverages, and resources that'll turn into Biomass inside a Compost Bin, Bones are probably the best material for producing Biomass. With the prevalence of Skeletons in LEGO Fortnite, Bones are plentiful, and every Bone you put into a Compost Bin will churn out two Biomass.

How to use Biomass

Biomass is a key ingredient in Power Cells. After you get your first Biomass, you'll unlock the recipe for Power Cells.

How to get Power Cells

A Power Cell in LEGO Fortnite

To start crafting Power Cells, you need an Epic-quality Crafting Bench. A single Power Cell requires 50 Biomass and six Glass. So, if you desire Power Cells, you better start stocking up on Biomass!

How to use Power Cells

There's a lot that goes into building vehicles in LEGO Fortnite, but the Power Center is the heart of these Toys. Vehicles won't run without power, and Power Centers require Power Cells.

With a bit of Granite and Cords, you can create Small, Medium, and Large Power Centers. But these Power Centers are useless without Power Cells! Small Power Centers require one Power Cell, Medium demand two, and Large Power Centers call for four Power Cells altogether.

So, if you dream of cruising around in the Speeder, Offroader, Hauler, or your own custom automobile, it all starts with Biomass and Power Cells!

LEGO Fortnite is constantly evolving! Check out our Fortnite homepage at GGRecon for the latest news and guides, like how to play the new LEGO Raft Survival and Obby Fun.

Coleman Hamstead

About The Author

Coleman Hamstead

Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.

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