Destiny 2 Sever Shame Walkthrough: How to Complete the Season of the Haunted Activity
Destiny 2 Sever is a brand new, weekly mission that launched with Season of the Haunted. The first weekly rotation is called Shame, and here’s an entire walkthrough on the spooky quest that sees your fireteam crawling the depths of the underbelly of the Leviathan.
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Destiny 2 Sever is an intense new story mission which will change weekly. Sever - Shame is the first of these weekly missions in Destiny 2 and is located in the spooky Leviathan's Underbelly. Here's how to complete the Destiny 2 Sever Shame mission, found within the Bound in Sorrow quest.
Destiny 2 Sever Shame Explained
To launch Sever, you will need to reach Step 3 of the Bound in Sorrow quest. Steps one and two are about collecting Vestiges of Dread and completing waves of the Nightmare Containment public event followed by binding your Vestiges of Dread on the Derelict Leviathan, so this step is not difficult to find at all.
Once you’ve got to Step 3 of the Bound in Sorrow quest, open up the Moon on your Destinations tab and you’ll see a teal banner labelled Sever. You can launch the quest here.
Destiny 2 Sever Shame Walkthrough: Place Ritual Amplifiers
Upon descent into the Leviathan’s Underbelly a voice line will advise that you must sever Calus’ connection to the Pyramid. You will need to follow a route with Crow’s help and place Ritual Amplifiers to get to the Severance Site. This week, Crow must endure his own nightmare, Uldren Sov; his past, rather questionable form. Follow the diamond markers to ensure the correct route. You will reach a locked door. Look above you and shoot the Arc beam to force the door open, and place the first Ritual Amplifier.
Turn back towards the spawn to see another door that has now opened. Shoot another Arc beam to explode the rest of the charges and turn back on yourself once more. This has revealed a hollow pipe just big enough for a Guardian to fit through. Enter it. Make your way through and into the next room. Following any direction brings you to the same room, in the Armory. Shoot the flowers to gain the Egregore Link buff, which enables you to pass through the cloudy barriers (exactly as in the Presage mission, if you played that). In the next room you will need to clear out all of the enemies.
- If you missed out on Presage the first time around, check out our Destiny 2 Dead Man's Tale guide which explains how to get it post-Witch Queen.
Destiny 2 Sever Shame Walkthrough: Infiltrate The Underbelly Armory Deck
When the last enemy is downed, the power will shut off. You need to restore the power whilst surviving more enemies. Follow the diamond markers to reach manual override power supply points. Once you’ve overridden the power supply, you will need to head to the area where three Psions spawn.
Once you’ve killed these enemies, on the right will be another Arc beam. Shoot this to open a door directly behind you, revealing the flowers to once again give you the Egregore Link buff and safely pass through the barrier next to it.
You’ll now need to crawl through a short passage which has intermittent burning steam. Time your journey so this doesn’t hit you. As soon as you’re through that passageway you can place another Ritual Amplifier. You’ll now enter the Containment area.
Destiny 2 Sever Shame Walkthrough: Escape The Lockdown
You will need to complete a manual override to continue through the locked down Leviathan. There are four overrides that need to be done, and when the first is placed next to the module, an immune Nightmare will spawn that will attack you if he sees you. The best course of action is to avoid his gaze, but if he does see you, he is relatively easy to outrun as long as you weren’t too close to begin with.
Head to the main area and jump up on to the platform to find the second override. Head back towards the first override and you’ll see another platform to jump on to, this is your third override. Lastly, jump down and into the cylindrical path next to that override.
There is a wrench here, which you’ll need to pick up to get to the final override. The wrench will encumber you, slowing you down and preventing you from jumping. Ensure your fireteam distract the Nightmare so he doesn’t chase or kill you. Take the wrench to the opposite side of this area, and place it into a node.
This opens an area that was previously blocked off by Arc energy, and this is where the final manual override is. Head back to the main module and activate it to move to the next area.
Destiny 2 Sever Shame Walkthrough: Begin The Severance Ritual With Crow
Kill the Scorn enemies that spawn immediately and head to a door, where you’ll place another Ritual Amplifier. Shoot the Arc beam through the door, which forces it open and takes you a wind-powered lift. This brings you to the final arena, The Gauntlet.
You’ll witness some intense dialogue here from Crow who is struggling to stave off his Nightmare of Uldren Sov. No spoilers here, but listen closely as it’s going to be imperative to this season’s story. A Nightmare of the Fanatic appears.
Destiny 2 Sever Walkthrough: Defeat The Nightmare Of Fikrul
There’s nothing much here in terms of difficulty, just kill enemies until the golden teleporter appears in the arena. Head through it, and you’ll enter the outer pathway, where you can cause as much damage to the Nightmare boss as you can whilst chasing it around the pathway until another teleporter appears. Repeat the process until the Nightmare is slain, and listen closely to some more important lore dialogue.
Now you know how to beat the Sever Shame quest, make sure you read up on everything the Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 update has brought to the game.

About The Author
Cheri Faulkner
Having graduated from Leeds Beckett University back when it was still Leeds Met, Cheri went on to become a music journalist penning words for the likes of Punktastic, Live Nation and The Guardian before creating her own outlet, Invicta Media. With this came a natural progression into games journalism and an intense love for the likes of Destiny 2, Pokemon and basically any rogue-like you can think of. When not writing, she can most likely be found in a muddy field at a festival.
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