Cyberpunk 2077 romance: All male & female romance options
Check out all of the available Cyberpunk 2077 romance options for both male and female characters, and see how you can invite some love into your digital life.
There are a number of characters that you can romance in Cyberpunk 2077, so it may be worth looking at what the make and female romance options are before making your character, so you know how you can get down and dirty with.
Romance has been a big aspect of RPG games for decades now, and Cyberpunk 2077 is no different, providing a number of characters you can develop an intimate relationship with and sex workers you can visit for a fling. There are some criteria in the game for who you can romance though, so you may want to know what steps to take in character customisation and during gameplay.
Read on below for a breakdown of all the Cyberpunk 2077 romance options.
SPOILER WARNING! Light spoilers for some main and side quests in Cyberpunk 2077.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Judy Alvarez
Requirements: Female voice tone and female body type.
One of the first Cyberpunk 2077 romance options is Judy Alvarez, a main character that you meet fairly early in the game, during The Heist main story mission where she helps you during your first Braindance.
You'll encounter her a few times afterwards, but once you have finished a mission called Double Life, you will be able to begin romancing her. Once this mission is finished, Judy will call you, and you can begin her side quest chain that starts Both Sides, Now.
She will continue to call every few hours with a new quest for you to take part in, so continue until you get to the Talkin' Bout A Revolution quest. During this, you will be given a choice to help Judy, which you need to agree to. The following quest, Pisces, also has some choices that are key to romancing Judy, so refuse to go along with Maiko's plan, and don't accept payment from Maiko.
Before long, you will be able to begin the final side quest for Judy, Pyramid Song. During this quest, you will have the option to begin a relationship with her or just have a casual fling.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Panam Palmer
Requirements: Male body type.
Panam is another main character that can be romanced, and you will come across her first during the Ghost Town quest. Her final main quest is Life During Wartime, and after this, she will call you so you can begin her optional questline.
This quest chain begins with Riders on the Storm, but during this quest, you need to make sure you meet up with her in plenty of time, or you can fail the romance early. You will also want to pick dialogue options that show your interest toward her, and be generally supportive of her actions.
Do the same in the following quests, and then during her final mission, Queen of the Highway, you will have the option to begin a romance together.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: River Ward
Requirements: Female body type.
River is a Cyberpunk 2077 romance option that can be easily missed, as you only meet him during a side quest called I Fought the Law. To get access to this quest, you will first need to reach the second tier of Street Cred and have completed Life During Wartime.
After finishing I Fought the Law, you will get a call from River and have the option to begin his small quest chain. The first of these quests is called The Hunt, and you will need to meet some criteria during this to keep the possibility of romance alive. Firstly, you will have to go to the correct farm and also not leave before helping River.
If all of this goes smoothly, you will get a call for his final quest, Following the River, where you need to be clear that you are interested in him during a conversation. Following all of this, you should have an intimate scene and then the option to establish a relationship.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Kerry Eurodyne
Requirements: Male voice and body type.
Kerry is a character you will meet during the Johnny Silverhand side quest, Holdin' On. Carry on down the Silverhand quest line until you finish A Like Supreme, and then you will receive a call from Kerry where you can start his quest chain with Rebel! Rebel!
There are no major choices in this quest line until you reach Off the Leash, where you will need to be understanding and supportive during a dialogue scene, and then kiss him when you have the chance. After this, wait for Boat Drinks, the final quest in River's quest chain.
During this quest, you need to accept his offer to cruise around the bay and then kiss him once more on the yacht. After you've bonked, you will then have the chance to begin a relationship or keep it casual.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Meredith Stout
Requirements: None
Meredith is a character you can have a bit of private time with, but no major romance. You will first meet her during The Pickup quest, shortly before heading to the warehouse for the exchange. Meeting her here is optional, so make sure you go ahead with it first.
During the rest of the quest, you will need to shoot Royce if you refuse Meredith's infected chip, or buy the Flathead with the infected credchip. Later on, you will then have the option to meet with Meredith after she calls and invites you to a motel room for some fun.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Rogue Amendiares
Requirements: None
Rogue is another character you can enjoy a quick fling with, and you will first meet her during the Ghost Town quest. To enjoy a short scene together, start by completing the Chippin' In side quest and become friends with Johnny at the end.
You will then have to call up Rogue, beginning the Blistering Love quest. Meet up with her for the date and pick the flirty dialogue options to get a quick scene with some heavy petting.
Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Alt Cunningham
Requirements: None
This is one of the Cyberpunk 2077 romance scenes that always occurs, as it happens during a flashback with Johnny Silverhand.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Ruby
Requirements: None
During the Chippin' In side mission where you control Johnny, you can meet up with Ruby and have a quick and casual encounter.
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Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Joytoys
Requirements: None
Joytoys are dedicated Night City prostitutes that are cybernetically enhanced for the purpose of pleasure. There are four of them in the game in total, two male, and two female.
Two of them are immediately available from the beginning of the game, and can be found on Jig-Jig street in Westbrook. Just approach and pay up $100, and you will get to see a quick scene.
The other two are unlocked later in the game after finishing the Off the Leash side quest. They will then become available in the Dark Matter club for a whopping $3000.
That's all for our explainer of the Cyberpunk 2077 romance options, and now you know which characters can be romanced and how to do so.
For more Cyberpunk 2077 guides, stick with GGRecon. Alternatively, check out how to use Cyberpunk 2077 console commands on PC.

About The Author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon. He previously wrote reviews for his college newspaper before studying Media and Communication at university. His favourite genres include role-playing games, strategy games, and boomer shooters - along with anything indie. You can also find him in the pit at local hardcore shows.