How to craft Ally Banners in Apex Legends
Discover about crafting Ally Banners in Apex Legends and revive your dead squadmates in the Apex Games.
As of Season 16, there's a brand-new way to bring your friends back to life in Apex Legends. With that, let's review how you can craft Ally Banners int the game.
How do you craft Ally Banners?
Support Legends can visit any Crafting Station to craft Ally Banners - whether the Banners have previously expired or not. It costs 30 Crafting Materials to craft all expired squadmate banners. A crafted Banner will carry all recoverable teammates.
Once crafting is complete, you can grab the Ally Banner from the Crafter. To completely bring your teammates back, you still need to take a trip to a Respawn Beacon.
Reviving your fallen comrades in Apex Legends has never been easier! Select a Support Legend, gather some Crafting Materials, and you can craft Ally Banners at any Replicator.
What legends can craft Ally Banners in Apex Legends?
Before we dive into how to craft Ally Banners, it's important to understand that only a select few Legends can actually craft Ally Banners.
Apex Legends Season 16 introduced Apex Legends Remastered Classes. Every Legend Class now has its own gameplay perk(s) that alter the way that Class of Legends operate in the Apex Games. For example, Assault Legends can carry extra ammunition and access the Secret Compartment of Weapon Supply Bins, while Controller Legends can use Ring Consoles to find the next Ring Location.
Well, along with the ability to access Blue Bins, Support Legends can craft Ally Banners and get their squad back in the action in a way that's never been possible prior to Revelry.
The Support Legends that can craft Ally Banners include:
- Lifeline
- Loba
- Gibraltar
- Newcastle
Before jumping into Revelry, be sure to check out the Apex Legends Season 16 buffs and nerfs.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.