World of Warcraft devs reveal why Dawn of the Infinite is a Megadungeon, not a Raid
Dawn of the Infinite is the latest Megadungeon in World of Warcraft. We spoke to senior WoW devs about why it didn't arrive in Raid form.

Amy Eastland
13th Jul 2023 18:14
Image courtesy of Blizzard

The latest Megadungeon has just been released in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, aptly titled Dawn of the Infinite. Players are tasked with making sure the timeline doesn’t change drastically, tackling Chrome-Lord Deios.
GGRecon spoke to Stephen Cavallaro, Senior Developer on the Megadungeon and Morgan Day, Associate Game Director to talk about the latest challenging piece of content and how it came to exist in the game as it is now.
WoW devs talk patch 10.1.5's Dawn of the Infinite Megadungeon
So, why not a Raid, given that this seemed like the perfect opportunity for a Raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, even with the release of Aberrus?
"One of the things that our community has been asking a lot about is, whether it's possible to get smaller group content that feels more like a Raid in terms of the progression," Cavallaro reveals.
"In terms of difficulty, we just felt like this was the perfect opportunity to try to create content that might.”
Much like Tazavesh, this also serves as an excellent opportunity for the next season to have two Dungeons that will be ready for the Mythic+ season, as the Dungeon is already set to Mythic difficulty, just without the timer.
This makes it an ideal tool for players to learn the strategies they need for Mythic+ when the time comes and make mistakes without worrying about the timer ticking down.
Will there be a Heroic version of Dawn of the Infinite?
Additionally, the players who want an opportunity to try out the Dungeon but don’t feel confident enough to try it on Mythic difficulty will have the chance to try it on Heroic in the future.
"In our 10.1.7 update, we'll be adding the Heroic version of it [Dawn of the Infinite]," Day revealed.
"So players who are not able to meet the challenge of the really difficult, five-player instances, they'll be able to queue for it and they'll be able to see the story and the questing experience that leads us into the next patch update."
Overall, Dawn of the Infinite appears to be aiming to cater to all in its Megadungeon guise. For more on World of Warcraft, check out Cavallaro and Day's comments on PvP updates coming down the line.

About The Author
Amy Eastland
Amy was a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She has a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Journalism, and has previously worked for companies such as Gfinity and HITC. Her favourite games include Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Crash Bandicoot Warped. When she's not at work, she's hanging out with her black cat, Shelby.
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