Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.4 Patch Notes
Teamfight Tactics has a new patch coming soon, and we have all the details. Here is everything coming to the game in Patch 13.4.
Teamfight Tactics patch 13.4 is on the way, with a long list of changes and updates. Teamfight Tactics is growing rapidly and changing all the time. Patch 13.4 is aimed at making the game more fun, while balancing some aspects that need some fine-tuning. Here is everything in the patch notes for Teamfight Tactics patch 13.4.
- For the latest changes coming to the original game, check out our League of Legends patch 13.4 patch notes.
Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.4: Release Date
Although Riot Games has had some issues that have caused disruptions in recent months, they seem to be back on track with new releases. As such, we can rest fairly assured that patch 13.4 for Teamfight Tactics will go live on 23 February, as planned.
Players need only launch the game on or after that date to install and apply the update. All changes listed below will be applied from then on.
Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.4: New Cosmetics
Some new cosmetic items are coming to the game in patch 13.4. These include two new chibi skins for Ahri, as well as Starchaser Furyhorn, Blazing Star Furyhorn, Starcrossed Furyhorn, Dawnstar Furyhorn, and Star Nemesis Furyhorn.
These new cosmetic items and more will be available when the patch goes live on 23 February. Some can be earned, but many will need to be purchased from the in-game store.
- To get you up to speed, here is the previous batch of changes in the Teamfight Tactics 13.3 patch notes.
Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.4: Full Patch Notes
Here are the full patch notes, detailing all the changes and fixes coming to the game in patch 13.4.
System Changes
Player Damage
- Losing a fight by 5 or more units now deals 1 less player damage
Component Anvils
- Component Anvil number of choices 3 - 4
Early Game Gold Distribution
- The final minion of a creep round will no longer drop the only gold you get that round. This will allow for a small amount of extra time to interact with the shop without increasing game lengths. This is a buff.
Large Changes
- NEW: A.D.M.I.N. 4 now boosts all effects by 30%
- Corrected the tooltip percentage for 6 A.D.M.I.N (no in-game change)
- A.D.M.I.N. drop below 66% Health Attack Damage: 80% - 75%
- A.D.M.I.N. drop below 66% Health Ability Power: 80 - 75
- A.D.M.I.N. drop below 66% Health Attack Seed: 80% - 75%
- A.D.M.I.N. drop below 66% Health chance to drop Gold: 100% >> 60%
- A.D.M.I.N every 5 sec chance to drop Gold: 25% - 20%
- A.D.M.I.N On Cast chance to drop Gold: 25% - 20%
- A.D.M.I.N Start of Combat Attack Damage: 50% - 45%
- A.D.M.I.N Start of Combat Ability Power: 50 - 45
- A.D.M.I.N Start of Combat Mana: 50 - 45
- A.D.M.I.N Start of Combat chance to drop Gold: 50% - 40%
- A.D.M.I.N On Ally Death, A.D.M.I.N. Mana: 20 - 15
- A.D.M.I.N On Ally Death, A.D.M.I.N. chance to drop Gold: 33% - 25%
- A.D.M.I.N On Kill, Unit who killed chance to drop Gold: 50% - 40%
- A.D.M.I.N Team Every 5 sec chance to drop Gold: 12% - 10%
- A.D.M.I.N Team Start of Combat chance to drop Gold: 25% - 20%
- Gadgeteen, Spring Loaded Rapid Firecannon has been removed and replaced with Gadgeteen Titan’s Resolve.
- Gadgeteen, Gadgeteens Titan’s Resolve: Grants 2% Attack Damage, 2% Ability Power, and 2% Attack Speed when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 30 times. At full stacks, grant 30 Armor and 30 Magic Resist.
- Hacker: The hacked unit will now target the closest enemy on the backline, rather than the lowest health enemy on the backline.
- Mecha PRIME Attack Damage & Ability Power: 60/45 - 60/55
- Sureshot bonus Attack Damage: 8/20% every four seconds - 6/16% every four seconds
Units: Tier 1
- Lulu Glitterlance Damage: 260/390/580 - 270/405/605
- Galio Outta My Way! Shield: 200/240/280 - 225/250/275
- Gangplank Trial by Fire no longer cleanses Crowd Control upon cast
Units: Tier 2
- Lee Sin BUGFIX: Two Lee Sins can no longer remove each others’ mana locks
- Malphite Health: 700 - 800
- Malphite Ground Slam Damage: 140/210/325 - 150/225/350
- Fiora En Garde! Damage reduction: 15% - 20%
Units: Tier 3
- Jax BUGFIX: All spell damage now properly updates with AP changes during the fight.
- Jax Empowered Strikes base Damage 110/165/285 - 80/125/210
- Kai’Sa Starcharged Attack Speed Bonus: 40/45/55% - 45/45/45%
- LeBlanc Sigil of Malice Damage: 85/105/130 - 75/110/135
- LeBlanc Sigil of Malice number of sigils: 5/6/8 - 6/6/8
- LeBlanc Sigil of Malice total Damage: 425/630/1040 - 450/660/1080
Units: Tier 4
- Aurelion Sol Meteor Shower Damage: 145/215/435 - 155/230/450
- Bel’Veth Attack Damage: 80 - 75
- Bel’Veth dash selection improved. Bel’Veth is less likely to run it down.
- Soraka Starcall Damage: 225/340/750 - 235/350/750
- Taliyah Weaver’s Wall Damage:70/100/250 - 75/115/275
- Taliyah Weaver’s Wall explosion Damage: 210/315/945 - 225/335/999
- Zed Health: 950 - 1000
- Zed Kill Mode Spin Attack Damage ratio: 125% - 135%
- Zed Kill Mode Armor Sunder (Armor reduction) duration 6/6/6 - 7/7/7 (to match KILL MODE duration)
Units: Tier 5
- Aphelios Gravitum (Purple) Attack Damage ratio: 130/130/800% - 140/140/800%
- Aphelios Infernum (Blue) Attack Damage ratio: 275/275/1500% - 260/260/1500%
- Aphelios Severum (Red) Attack Damage ratio: 300/300/2000% - 320/320/1500%
- Aphelios Severum (Red) number of targets 2/2/2 - 2/2/10
- Urgot Health: 1100 - 1000
- Urgot Armor & Magic Resist: 50 - 40
- Urgot Undertow max Health percentage Damage: 10/15/99% - 5/8/75%
- Bloodthirster Attack Damage: 10% - 20%
- Chalice of Power starting Mana: 15 - 30
- Deathblade Attack Damage: 60% - 66%
- Gargoyle’s Stoneplate starting Armor & Magic Resistance: 20 - 30
- Hand of Justice base Omnivamp: 10% - 15%
- Hextech Gunblade Omnivamp: 25% - 22%
- Morellonomicon Ability Power: 20 - 25
- Protector’s Vow starting Mana: 30 - 45
- Quicksilver Magic Resist: 20 - 30
- Sunfire Cape Health: 300 - 250
- Zeke’s Herald Health: 150 - 250
Hero Augments
- Ashe - Laser Focus Attack Speed: 45% - 50%
- Blitzcrank - Rocket Grab starting Health: 300 - 400
- Gangplank - Carry Bounce Damage: 100% - 90%
- Lulu - Growth Spurt Health Per Cast: 125 - 100
- Lux - Illuminating Singularity Damage Increase: 150% - 135%
- Nasus - Stacks on Stacks starting Attack Damage: 10% - 15%
- Poppy - Bigger, Better, Buckler bonus Armor: 200 - 180
- Renekton - Reign of Anger base Attack Speed: 75% - 65%
- Sylas - Kingslayer bonus Damage: 40% - 35%
- Camille - Hextech Retribution starting bonus Damage: 10% - 8%
- Malphite - Rock Solid Armor to Ability Power: 150% - 180%
- Yasuo - Spirit of the Exile Bonus Attack Speed: 25% - 22%
- Yuumi - Zoomies! bonus Attack Speed: 20% - 22%
- LeBlanc - Mirror Image Clone max Health Percent: 70% - 75%
- Nilah - Gifted Bonus Ability Power: 40 - 45
- Nilah - Jubilant Veil Allies Crowd Control Immunity: 4 - 5
- Nilah - Jubilant Veil Allies Crowd Control Immunity duration: 20 - 30 sec
- Riven - Reverberation Bonus Ability Power 20 - 15
- Sona - Undercurrent Allies Given Mana: 2 - 3
- Vayne - Spread Shot spread Damage: 75% - 65%
- Vel'Koz - Frostburn burn Damage: 300% - 400%
- Vel’Koz - Frozen Tundra Attack Speed Slow Duration: 8 - 10 sec
- Zoe - Double Bubble Damage Multiplier: 60% - 70%
- Zoe - Sleepy Time Number of Sleepy Targets: 3 - 4
- Aurelion Sol - Extinction Event bonus Ability Power: 10 - 15
- Ekko - Resonance Magic Resistance Bonus Damage: 300% - 400%
- Miss Fortune - Make It Rain Stage 3 Gold: 10 - 8
- Sejuani - Shatter Bonus Damage: 20% - 33%
- Zed - Shadow Jutsu Starting Attack Damage: 15% - 20%
- Zed - Contempt for the Weak Attack Damage Steal: 15% - 20%
- Aphelios - Locked and Loaded base Attack Damage %: 10 - 5
- Janna - Category Five Ability Power: 50 - 80
- Nunu - They See Me Rolling bonus Ability Power: 20 - 25
- Nunu - Contagious Laughter starting Ability Power: 10 - 20
- Syndra - Power Overwhelming bonus Stats (AP, AD, Armor, and MR): 80 - 100
- Ancient Archives I Gold: 2 - 4
- Anima Squad Crown now grants an Ionic Spark - Grants a Protector’s Vow.
- Big Friend II Damage Reduction: 12% - 10%
- Built Different III Health: 225/300/375/450 - 250/350/450/550
- Cybernetic Shell III Armor: 40 - 50
- Cybernetic Uplink III Mana per second: 3 - 3.5
- Electrocharge III Damage: 95/125/155/185 - 100/135/170/205
- Gadgeteen Heart Tier Gold - Silver.
- Gadgeteen Heart now grants an Annie - Grants a Poppy.
- NEW Gadgeteen Crest added at Gold.
- Gadgeteen Crest grants a Gadgeteen Emblem and an Annie.
- Gadgeteen Soul - Gadgeteen Crown
- Gadgeteen Crown now grants a Gadgeteen Emblem rather than giving +1 Gadgeteen.
- High End Shopping Gold: 10 - 3
- Knife’s Edge III Attack Damage: 45% - 55%
- LaserCorps Heart Silver Tier - Gold Tier
- LaserCorps Crest Removed
- Threat Level Maximum Health per Threat: 75 - 60
Small Changes
- Camille Tactical Sweep Attack Damage ratio: 190/200/215% - 210/210/210%
- Sylas - Petricite Chains: now only your strongest Sylas mana-reaves.
- Sylas - Petricite Chains BUGFIX: Mana is only granted once, regardless of how many
- Sylases (Sylai? Sylopodes?) you field.
- Senna - Corps Formation: now only your strongest Senna grants Attack Damage.
iOS12 is no longer supported with the release of this update, patch 13.4. Players on iOS12
will need to upgrade to a more recent iOS version to play TFT Mobile.
Bug Fixes
- Chibi Annie’s boom name has been updated to reflect Annie’s ultimate ability in the
- TFT spin-off Game Mode, League of Legends. It now reads, Summon: Tibbers
- Chibi Panda Annie finisher now appears in medium resolution on medium graphics
- settings
- Jax BUGFIX: All spell damage now properly updates with AP changes during the fight.
- Lee Sin BUGFIX: Two Lee Sins can no longer remove each others’ mana locks with
- Cleansing Safeguard (Hero Augment)
- Renekton, Sylas, Alistar tooltips now show damage/healing expected
- Fixed tooltips on Ashe, Camille, Ezreal, Rell, Vi, Kai’Sa, Senna, Zed, Aphelios
- Aurelion Sol with Extinction Event will now properly avoid hitting the same target
- multiple times when possible.
- Full credit: Viego will now properly recast when he kills a secondary target.
- No credit: Viego will no longer recast if his target dies from other sources shortly after
- he lands.
- On credit: Viego will no longer reset if he triggers a unit’s Ox Force invulnerability.
- Leona tooltip now displays the proper amount of secondary target damage.
- Sona heal should now properly target the lowest health allies.
- Vigilantes: Civilian works properly on away boards (previously it only started working
- after an ally died).
- Zombie: Civilian no longer grants mana after all Civilians are dead.
- Vel'Koz support augment now properly hits the entire board (Fixed in 13.3)
- Exiles now always takes start of combat max health gain into account (Fixed in 13.3)

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.