How to find all the collectables in Saints Row
There are so many collectables to find and photograph in Saints Row, so if you really want to deck out your Church you will want to check out this guide.
Saints Row Collectables are a vast range of items that, when photographed, can be used to decorate the Church. Saints Row takes the series back to basics, and if the Saints are going back to the Church then they will need to make it look good. Inexplicably, you need only take pictures of each of these collectable items to get them back to the Church. Here are all of the Saints Row Collectable Locations.
Western Chuckwagon - In the abandoned town in the northwest corner of the map, find a covered wagon beside a building in the northern part of the town
Bear Rug - Still in the abandoned town, the bear skin can be found on a porch in the east of the town
Silver Obelisk - Still in the northwest corner of the map, just north of the junction where the main road meets the road to the Marshall prison. On the north side of a hill, just south of a lone mobile home.
Fanciful Map - Go north from the north gate of the Marshall prison, the map is on the wall inside the shack by itself
Golden Urinal - Looking at the north gate of the prison, look to the right to see a large digger. Find the urinal in the pile of rubble
Ancient Vase - Just west of the city, in a pile of trash beside the porch of a mobile home
Worthy Hammer - This Thor reference is found in the southwest of the map. Go west off the main road through the southern Badlands where the power lines cross a dried-up lake. North of a stranded boat, you will find the hammer embedded in the ground
Model Plane - Just north of the Lone Wolf Motel, there is a crashed plane in a small lake
Owl Windmill - Follow the road southwest from the Lone Wolf Motel, on the south side of the road you will find an Owl Windmill across the street from the Jackknife Cafe
Saddle Bar Stool - Cross over to the Jackknife Cafe, this collectable is on the left side of the front face of the building
Cactus Cowboy - Following the road east from the Lone Wolf Motel, the road that leads back to the city, you will find this item on the left side of the road
Singing Bush - Head to the small island in the very south of the map, follow the sound of singing to find the bush
Swan Float - You can find this item in the lap pool in the dried-up water park in the west of El Dorado
Shoe Light - Across from the Camelot casino you will find one of the glowing pink high heel shoes
Knight - Just outside the front of the Camelot casino
Varmint Sign - On the eastern end of the strip, look to the south to see the Varmint casino, the sign is high up on the building
Fox Tails Sign - Just outside the eastern end of the strip, on the south side you will find the Fox Tails sign above the door
Gas Pump - Further east from the strip, south of the Busted Flush, find the Gas Pump by the main door of a small building
Metal Rabbit - Go north from the east gate of the strip, you will quickly see a large Metal Rabbit statue in front of a massive musical note
Calico Queen Sign - Further north in El Dorado there is a dock, take a picture of the large glowing sign on the ship docked there
Poker Chips - Go east along the street from the dock, you will find an Apollo's Coffee shop, and just outside there is a bus stop. Beside the bus stop are some stacks of large poker chips, take a picture of the one that glows.
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Bronze Arm - Just outside of El Dorado heading west into East Flats, there is a fitness store called Swole Hole. The Bronze Arm is just outside
Sofa King Sign - Southeast of the football stadium, among some abandoned stores, you will find the sign in the corner of the Sofa King building facing away from the water
Windmill - In the southwest of the East Flats there is a hotel, and you can find this giant Windmill in the southwest corner of the hotel
Golden Helmet Statue - East of the football stadium there are several ticket stands. The Golden Helmet is on one of the stands across the street from the stadium
Bowling Balls and Pin - In the northern part of the West Flats you will find a bowling alley with giant pins and bowling balls on the roof. On the side of the driveway into the car park there is a smaller statue of balls and pins, take a picture of it
Planetary Model - In the northeast of West Flats you will find the Planetary Model on the roof of the Vector Science Center, it is hard to miss it
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I Heart Santo Ileso - Southwest Lakeshore South, just south of the two clothes shops
Golden Armadillo - Go behind the large building at the northern end of the park here, you will find the Golden Armadillo by the street
The Great Banana - In the northern part of Lakeshore South, between the Drug Tzar and Cicada Wireless buildings
Campfire Silhouette - On the western edge of Lakeshore North there is a circular park, this collectable is on one of the walls near the building behind
Novelty Cowboy Hat - Just north of the park where the Campfire Silhouette is found, there is a strange little monument, a curved screen with some men wearing cowboy hats on it. The collectable is in the middle of this
Bronze Buffalo - This one is tricky, the description of the location in-game leads to the wrong Bronze Buffalo. The correct one is near the centre of Lakeshore North, at the front of the Meyer/Bishop Capital building, just southwest of the Triceratops Skull
Triceratops Skull - This massive skull is mounted outside a museum, on the southwest corner of the largest building on the map of Lakeshore North
Oversized Bullet - In the park along the water on the south side of Lakeshore North, just outside a seating and dining area
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Anchor Sculpture - On the short pier sticking out of the southwest corner of Marina West
Compass - In the centre of the School of Architecture and Design in the northwest of the area
Flower Spur Statue - Across the street to the east of the School of Architecture and Design
Bronze Feather - Follow the main boulevard going west to east, on the last block before entering Marina East you will find the Bronze Feather in the middle of the street between the palm trees
Ice Cream Statue - In the southern part of Marina West you will find the Twisty Creamy store on your map. Go there, and you will find the Ice Cream Statue in front of the giant ice cream-shaped store
Oversized Boot - In the northwest, just north of the School of Architecture and Design, there is a car park overlooking the city. The Oversized Boot is at the centre of the circular area
Carrot Head - Just south of the golf course, on the road that goes east to west, there is a market with some stalls and statues of cartoon fruit. Take a picture of the Carrot Head that is glowing
Giant Golf Ball - Go to the car park of the golf course, you will see the Giant Golf Ball to the left of the country club
Gold Disc Golf Basket - Head onto the golf course, just north of the car park. You will find this collectable on the eastern end of the first green
Marble - In the south of Monte Vista, this giant Marble is at the front of a mansion which has a helipad at the back, overlooking Old Town
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Atlas Statue - This giant statue is at the centre of the southern end of the island in the middle of Lake Sebastian
Centrepiece Bowl - In the northern part of the high level of the island, you can find the Centrepiece Bowl sitting on a barrel inside a large metal building
Mine Cart - Head into the underground section of the island from either end, and make your way through. You should easily spot the glowing Mine Cart on your way through
City Hall Fountain - head to City Hall at the centre of Old Town West, you will find the fountain on the west side
Tipsy Lizard - Go south from City Hall Fountain and you will find the festival area. In the northwest of the sectioned-off part of town, you will find the Tipsy Lizard Watering Hole, take a picture of the sign above the door
Cat Herder - Staying in the south side of Old Town West, go southeast one block from the Tipsy Lizard to find the Cat Herder installation across from a large Joe Cola mural
Turdis - Go to the northeast corner of the Old Town West region, there are three blocks of buildings there. Behind the building on the eastern side of the center block, you will find a portapotty with glowing windows, sparks, and smoke coming from it
- For some free extra cash and other goodies, you might want to go Saints Row Dumpster Diving.
Cabbit - Go to the storage lockers in the north part of Old Town East. Find the lockers on the east side with the blue doors, on the western side of those lockers you will find Cabbit inside one of the middle lock-ups.
Metal Vulture and Grisly Bear - These two are in the same yard, so head to the south end of Old Town East. On the corner northwest of the ramps to the freeway, there is a fenced-in yard. You cannot miss them, the vulture is breathing fire
Helm - Find the Helm on the promenade on the western side of Mercado, beside the water
Tirepede - Where the road goes north from the freeway, then bends to the east, there is a library. The Tirepede is on the southwest corner outside the library building
Guitar Guy Statue - Follow the main road east from the Tirepede, the next large building on the left there will be a large guitar on the front of the building. The Guitar Guy is sitting on top of the giant guitar
Golden Stag - In the market square in the middle of Mercado, where the Dia De Muertos clothing stand is
Cactus Flower - There is a hotel to the east of the Golden Stag, go to the opposite side of that building then cross the street. There is a small park there, and the Cactus Flower can be found here
- If you fancy flying about the city, you should check out the Saints Row Weather Stations.
Bug Statue - On the roof of a fuel station, just west of the Rat Rods clothes store
Liquor Bottle - On the roof of a bar in the middle of the freeway flyovers
El Bar Visual Sign - Head to the southeast corner of West Providencia, the sign is above a bar with a huge flaming skull with handlebars
Classy Flamingo - One block south of JR's Garage, you will find this flamingo between the two front doors of a small building on the south side of the street
Cemetery Angel - In the north of East Providencia, just north of the graveyard there is a statue of an angel on the corner of two roads
Golden Toilet - On the western edge of East Providencia, there is an area of small buildings on a block. In the middle of them, there is a small scrap area, where you will find a rusted train car. Beside the train car you will find the Golden Toilet
Horse Sculpture - On the eastern edge of East Providencia you will find a large scrapyard. There is a main building with some statues and buses around it. Take a picture of the glowing Horse Sculpture
Metal Jackalope Sculture - In the northern part of Smelterville West, you will see a circular area. Head there and you will find the Jackalope in the southwest corner
Joe Cola Sign - If you come into Smelterville West over the bridge from El Dorado, take the first right headed south. On the eastern side of that street, you can find the Joe Cola sign high up on the brewery
Brewery Tank - Continue south from the Joe Cola sign and you will find the Brewery Tank on the corner where to road turns east
Topiary Pigs - One block east from the Joe Cola brewery is another brewery, with a garden area in the center. Just outside the main door into the building, on the left you will see a topiary sculpture of some pigs, doing… something
Scorpion Statue - In the south of Smelterville West is the Scorpion factory. Go there, and go to the main entryway. You will find this relatively small statue above the main door, below some Panteros graffiti
Ramparts Plush Toy - This plush toy can be found at Ramparts BBQ in the southwest of the region, you can find it easily by looking for the Ramparts clothing store icon
Mechaburger Stand - Head for the northwest corner of Smelterville East, there is an elevated area with a shelter. Inside the shelter is this Mechaburger Stand
Train Signal - Head out to the southeast end of Smelterville East, at the point where the dusty, disused train tracks come close to the buildings, just before they fork, there is a Train Signal for you to photograph
Metal Sun Man Statue - In Rojas Desert North, there is a river that goes north to south. It passes under three roads, just south of the middle road there is a lookout area with benches and parked cars. In the middle of that area is a group of cacti, and at the front of that group is the Metal Sun Man Statue.
Metal Coyote - In the southeast of Rojas Desert North you will find the Twin Coyote Arcade, with two metal coyote statues outside. Take a picture of the one with the glow
Space Ship - This one is incorrectly marked as being in Rojas Desert North in the collectables menu. It is in fact in the northeast corner of Rojas Desert South, look for a tiny body of water on the map in the top right corner of the region, just east of the main road
Painted Keg - Also in the northeast corner of Rojas Desert South, on the shore of the river there is an abandoned town. Go to the mill in the south of the town, and when you are facing the front door, you will see the Painted Keg around the corner to the right
Route 66 Sign - This one is hard to miss, follow Route 66 (the widest road on the map) out of the city into Rojas Desert South. You will see the giant Route 66 sign half-buried in the sand on the right on the second bend
Jackalope, Piano and Thunder Pump Sign - These three are all in the same area. If you stay on Route 66 and head out into the desert, you will come to an area with multiple buildings and statues of dinosaurs. Outside of a place called Ringers you will see the Jackalope statue sitting on the path, beside a giant checkers board. Then to the left of Ringers are some old western buildings, head inside the small chapel and you will see the Piano at the other end. Then, when you come back out you will be facing the Thunder Pump sign, two huge arrows shaped like lightning bolts.
Captain Eagle Statue - From Ringers, head south into the southeast corner of the map. Where the road curves at the corner of the map, there are some buildings with some statues up on a large rock. One of those statues is Captain Eagle
Santa Cactus - This collectable is just northeast of the dam at the southwest of Rojas Desert South. If you head south toward the dam, you will see a large red and white radio tower. Santa Cactus can be found at the foot of the tower
First and foremost, you will need to make a bit of progress into the main story before you will be able to start collecting these items. Without spoiling much, you need to get to the point where the Church becomes your home base, then complete a mission with Kev where he introduces you to find collectables.
The vast majority of the Saints Row collectables are available throughout the open world. Some collectables are rewards for completing missions or side activities, for those you simply need to complete the activity mentioned in the collectable's description. The list below is of the locations of all collectables that need to be found in the city. None are missable, and all are available once you can start seeking out collectables.
Finally, a recommendation. Fairly early on in the main story, you can get a helipad at the Church. This comes with a free helicopter, which is extremely useful for finding collectables. It is much easier to get around the map from the sky, and many Saints Row collectables can be spotted from above. Collectable items have a purple glow that can be seen from a distance, you will need to make use of that.
- To give yourself a boost, here is how to increase maximum health in Saints Row.
Those are the locations of all the Saints Row Collectables you need to seek out. For more on the game, check out our Saints Row Co-op guide.

About The Author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Senior Guides Writer at GGRecon, after several years of freelancing across the industry. He covers a wide range of games, with particular focus on shooters like Destiny 2, RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and fighting games like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8.