Where to find Job Boards & how to complete Jobs in Fortnite
Did you know you can get paid for simple tasks like searching Chests and visiting different POIs? Learn where to find Job Boards and how to complete Jobs in Fortnite.
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Job Boards and Jobs are brand-new additions to Fortnite. Job Boards replace the long-standing Bounty Boards, offering Fortnite players more to do mid-match other than simply hunting enemies. This primer will enlighten you on where to find Job Boards, what Jobs are available, and how to complete Jobs in Fortnite.
Where to find Job Boards in Fortnite
Job Boards are available at nearly every major Point of Interest (POI) in the game, plus several Landmarks! So, if you're looking for work, you shouldn't ever have to travel too far to find it.
Job Boards are spread relatively evenly across the Island. MEGA City hosts two Job Boards, but besides that, no location has more than one Job Board.
Job Boards are stationary, meaning you will find them in the same exact spot every match of Fortnite. Job Boards cannot be destroyed, either, so once you memorise where a couple of Job Boards are situated, you can reliably accept assignments whenever it suits you best.
- Completing Jobs from Job Boards in different matches is one of the Fortnite Break the Curse! Quests
How to complete Jobs in Fortnite
When you interact with a Job Board, you will be presented with three different types of Jobs. The Jobs you can accept in Fortnite are as follows:
- Scavenging: Search Chests
- Exploration: Visit Locations
- Bounty: Eliminate Enemy Player
Upon accepting a Job, you will get roughly six minutes to complete the appointed task. Completing a Job before time expires will net you 100 Gold Bars.
After finishing a Scavenging or Exploration Job, you will receive a bonus objective that you can complete for 50 extra Gold Bars. These optional Jobs consist of tasks like searching for a Rare Chest or achieving a bunch of Trick Points.
If it wasn't already obvious, Jobs in Fortnite do not carry over from match to match. When you accept a Job, you must complete it in the same match you accepted it.
That's the gist of Jobs in Fortnite. Visit a Job Board at any POI — except for Rumble Ruins — and accept a Job that appeals to your interests. Complete the Job before time runs out to earn Gold Bars for your efforts!
Want to enter the 7- Eleven “There Car” Sweepstake for the chance to win all sorts of awesome rewards? Ensure you're searching for the three hidden cars on the appropriate Creator-Made Islands in Fortnite's Discover tab.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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