Where to find and how to defeat Highcard in Fortnite
Add the Mythic Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle to your arsenal by finding and defeating Highcard in Fortnite.
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Highcard is a brand-new Fortnite Boss debuting in Chapter 4 Season 2. The captain of the Wild Card Suits, Highcard, is a formidable Fortnite foe. The tips and tricks in this guide will teach you everything you need to know to find and defeat Highcard in Fortnite.
Where to find Highcard in Fortnite
Highcard is the first and only Fortnite Boss to exist across the Island in multiple locations at once. You can find Highcard in MEGA City, Brutal Bastion, and Shattered Slabs.
However, another unique element of the Highcard Boss is that he shows up mid-match rather than right at the beginning. Highcard and his Wild Card Suit henchmen will visit the Island through a Rift as soon as the second Storm Circle begins to form. Once Highcard appears, you'll be able to see the Boss' location on the in-game map.
- Race around MEGA City with Fortnite Rogue Bikes and Nitro Drifters.
How to defeat Highcard in Fortnite
Highcard is easily identifiable by his Black, Silver and Red colours. Accompanying Highcard are two Wild Card Suits in the traditional Wild Card colours.
Highcard and his gang do not attack on sight, so you have time to plot out your ambush. But, as soon as you fire a shot in Highcard's direction, Highcard and his henchmen will retaliate.
Highcard wields a Mythic Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle that can dish out some serious damage if you get caught out in the open by it. With that, you'll want to engage Highcard from an advantageous vantage point. Also, it will benefit you to come prepared with full Shields and Health.
When defeated, Highcard will get knocked, and the Wild Card Suits will attempt to revive Highcard. So, it's best to prioritise eliminating the Wild Card Suits first or finishing Highcard off before they can revive him.
How to get the Mythic Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle in Fortnite
To get the Mythic Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle in Fortnite, you have to take down Highcard. This potent rifle is an all-around beast, sporting impressive Accuracy, Damage, and Fire Rate.
Since Highcard spawns at MEGA City, Brutal Bastion, and Shattered Slabs every match, it's possible to obtain three of Highcard's Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle in a single game.
On top of the Mythic Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle, Highcard will also drop a Vault Keycard. You can use this Keycard at one of the Fortnite Vault locations to acquire another brand-new Mythic, the Mythic Havoc Pump Shotgun.
The Mythic Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle is a powerful tool that can turn the tide of battle. Add this exciting new Mythic to your arsenal by finding and defeating Highcard in Fortnite.
For more Fortnite guides, keep reading GGRecon.

About The Author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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