Rainbow Six Extraction Best Operators: The Top Five Rainbow Six Extraction Operators
Needing to make up the perfect squad? We've got the top five picks for the Rainbow Six Extraction best operators.
Knowing the Rainbow Six Extraction best operators is a crucial bit of information as you head into the Archaean packed incursion zones. Rainbow Six Extraction carries over 18 of the 62 (and counting) operators from its mother game Siege. As is the case in that game, there are some that stand out above others, and will become invaluable when things become heated and extraction is looking less likely. That's why we've compiled a list of the five Rainbow Six Extraction best operators, including their abilities, and some useful tips to make the most out of them.
- Haven't picked up Extraction yet? Find out why we think its one of the best co-op experiences available right now in our Rainbow Six Extraction Review.
Rainbow Six Extraction Best Operators: Doc
The first of our Rainbow Six Extraction best operators might seem like the most obvious: Doc. Doc is of course a medic operator, and with his Stim Pistol he is able to heal himself and teammates from afar. Considering how brutal Extraction can be, and how often you'll find yourself nervously sneaking through a subzone with single figure HP, any slither of health is a bonus. Get Doc all the way up to level 10, and his Stim Pistol will now carry five shots instead of three and deliver 30 HP over the base 15. Make those health points count.
- Looking to squad up across platforms? Check out our guide on Rainbow Six Extraction crossplay.
Rainbow Six Extraction Best Operators: Alibi
Next up we have Alibi, who makes it onto our Rainbow Six Extraction best operators list by diverting fire away from the team. With her Prisma decoys, enemies will focus almost solely on it, giving you that breathing space to fit in a reload or slip away into the shadows. When the Archaeans begin to stack up, this can be paramount to a win, even just as a means to squeak out a retreating extraction. Placing decoys down on an objective area prior to starting up can be a great way to pre-emptively avoid fire, allowing enemies to reveal themselves before they get the drop on you.
- Needing to learn the basics before finding the operator for you? Here's our collection of Rainbow Six Extraction tips.
Rainbow Six Extraction Best Operators: Vigil
Vigil may come as a bit of a surprise for some to be ranked among our Rainbow Six Extraction best operators, but his short ERC-8 Disruptor made sure he made his way in. Vigil can become undetectable to Archaens for a brief moment, which of course, like Alibi, can be great for avoiding incoming fire at times. This ability is particularly effective when trying to get behind enemies that require takedowns as part of the objective. Get Vigil ranked all the way up to ten, and you'll also be able to increase your speed when invisible, and cloak nearby team members. And unlike those on the list so far, his ability is also rechargeable, and therefore doesn't need a pick-up to use again.
- Playing on Xbox? Find out more about the Rainbow Six Extraction Game Pass release.
Rainbow Six Extraction Best Operators: Lion
There is nothing worse than failing to spot an enemy in Rainbow Six Extraction. A sneaky Lurker or maybe a Bloater tucked in a corner can severely impede your chances of making it all the way through. That's where Lion comes in. With his EE-ONE-D Drone, Lion is able to mark any moving enemy in a surrounding area, meaning you'll never miss a sneaky Archaean again. It does take a little longer to recharge - 40 seconds at level 10 - but this is an invaluable asset when nestled in tight-corridor areas, easily stapling Lion in the Rainbow Six Extraction best operators.
Rainbow Six Extraction Best Operators: Finka
Arguably the top of our Rainbow Six Extraction best operators list, Finka is another medical operator. However, unlike Doc, Finka's abilities are based on a temporary health boost which steadily depletes. While this is handy, you may be thinking that is a step-down from Doc's permanent health. However, Finka has a trick up her sleeve. With the activation of her Adrenal Surge, Finka can revive downed teammates from afar, and even prevent KOs. Rank Finka up a little, and you'll boost the amount of health teammates receive and even gain the ability to earn downed health points and revive yourself simply by killing Archaeans. Finka truly can pull a team back from disastrous runs, but be sure to use your ability at the right moment.
That's our ranking of the Rainbow Six Extraction best operators. Make sure you are combining the best sort of builds when playing Rainbow Six Extraction co-op.

About The Author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron Bayne was a Guides Writer at GGRecon. His previous experience includes BBC and Fraghero.