Warzone Players Find The 'Motherload' Of XP Farming

One Warzone player has discovered an exploit that's letting them really rack up their weapon XP.

24th Feb 2022 11:27

Images via Raven Software


Warzone's hacking problems have grown so bad that even its parent franchise is gearing up to jump ship. Warzone 2 is currently in development at Infinity Ward, and the developer is set to practically take over by engineering a new battle royale experience, yet fans are more hopeful that the new game won't make the same mistakes as the first title when it comes to cheaters, hacks, and bugs.

The game is riddled, and now that the dedicated anti-cheat measures have all but failed, fans are as frustrated as ever with the wealth of exploits infesting the game. And now, players have discovered an exploit so potent that they're bagging gold weapon camos in a flash.

Warzone Players Discover Massive XP Trick

Once again, a huge XP bug has been discovered in Warzone, and it's giving Call of Duty players the opportunity to go nuts with their weapon XP and unlock their gold camos incredibly quickly.

The new Caldera Clash mode has brought with it an all-new way to play the battle royale title, and naturally, a new exploit has been found - and it has been shared to Reddit in great detail by user JustLawlyOnTwitch to the CODWarzone subreddit.

The technique sees players farm kills from those AFK, whose fate is sealed due to the game's lack of auto-kick. If your game has an AFK player, that means if you set it up right, you can simply kill them over and over in whichever way you choose, making it easy to score the one-shot-kills or headshots necessary for your camo challenges. Easy.

But, it might not last long.

Warzone Will Patch This Bug Quickly

Call Of Duty: Warzone Players Find The 'Motherload' Of XP Farming

If you want to get involved and follow in Lawly's footsteps, you're going to want to be quick - as this is an exploit that comes with an easy fix. All it would take for Raven to fix this exploit would be to implement auto-kick for AFK players, so if you want to make the most of the bug and get your gold camos in, you're going to want to be quick on the draw. Jump into a game and get it done.

Though Warzone is still peppered with problems, this one is fairly harmless, and could yet prove to be useful to players. Just get it done sharpish, yeah?


Joseph Kime

About The Author

Joseph Kime

Joseph Kime is the Senior Trending News Journalist for GGRecon from Devon, UK. Before graduating from MarJon University with a degree in Journalism, he started writing music reviews for his own website before writing for the likes of FANDOM, Zavvi and The Digital Fix. He is host of the Big Screen Book Club podcast, and author of Building A Universe, a book that chronicles the history of superhero movies. His favourite games include DOOM (2016), Celeste and Pokemon Emerald.

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