Gex Trilogy announced for modern consoles

Gex Trilogy announced for modern consoles
Images via Crystal Dynamics

Written by 

Tom Chapman


13th Jul 2023 09:09

Grab your shades because Limited Run Games has just announced that the beloved Gex games are coming to modern systems for the first time ever.

That's right, all three Gex titles are sticking on a pair of shades and slithering back into our lives with that loveable lizard. 

Platformers were a dime a dozen in the '90s, and while Gex might not be remembered like Rayman or Crash Bandicoot, it has a loyal following who've been clamouring for some sort of remake/remaster. It seems we're getting the latter, with the Gex Trilogy being a standard rerelease of the three games.

Gex Trilogy coming to modern systems

First released on the forgotten 3DO in 1995, the OG Gex was a simple side-scroller that really found its fame when it was ported to the PS1. Following a TV-obsessed Gecko who has to fight his way through the Media Dimension, it was one of the more out-there ideas.

Gex made the leap into a new medium for 1998's Enter the Gecko, jumping onto the bandwagon of '90s 3D platformers, then had one last scuffle with Rez as it tried to capitalise on the popularity of spy games for 1999's Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko.

The Limited Run Games Summer Showcase announced the Gex Trilogy for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam. It unfortunately locks Xbox One players out of the loop, but marks a milestone for the series in terms of coming to modern consoles.

There's no release date and LRG didn't show us any gameplay, however, we're told the Gex Trilogy will be remastered with the Carbon Engine. Although it remains to be seen how well the sometimes crass humour of Gex will translate into the 21st Century, the nostalgia will surely flow with the Gex Trilogy

What happened to Gex 4?

It's no secret that after the success of the first three games, there were grand plans for Gex 4 on the PS2 and GameCube. Unfortunately, middling reviews of Deep Cover Gecko and a lack of interest from Eidos Interactive meant the project was put on hold and ideas were reused for Whiplash.

It was originally thought that only concept art of Gex 4 existed online until a prototype of Gex Jr. was released into the wild in 2022. With crude mechanics like the ability to fart, it's easy to see why the obnoxious Gex Jr. never made it into full production. Until now, that's where Gex's story ended.

Alongside the Jurassic Park Classic Games CollectionGargoyles Remastered, and a revisit to Tomba!, the Gex Trilogy was one of the showcase's biggest announcements. Consider us shaken (but not stirred) that Gex is set to make such a grand comeback. 

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom is Trending News Editor at GGRecon, with an NCTJ qualification in Broadcast Journalism and over seven years of experience writing about film, gaming, and television. With bylines at IGN, Digital Spy, Den of Geek, and more, Tom’s love of horror means he's well-versed in all things Resident Evil, with aspirations to be the next Chris Redfield.
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