Viego League of Legends Abilities Guide

Viego League of Legends Abilities Guide

Written by 

Rijit Banerjee


11th Jan 2021 19:30

Ranked Season 11 has officially commenced in League of Legends, with players grinding their placement matches and reaching their desired rank in the game. With the ranked season out now, players try out new champions and adjust to the game’s current meta. Moreover, the recent item changes have given the game a fresh perspective, where every player needs to start from scratch and re-learn all the game items.

Talking about the champions, Viego - The Ruined King was recently introduced by the developers, and his overall kit is somewhat fascinating and out of the box. He has one of the best passive abilities in the game, and many players are testing out new builds and runes on him in the PBE servers. Players should get an edge if they learn the champion before it hits the live servers, as the enemy champions would have to learn and improvise against this champion.

Viego League of Legends Abilities
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Images via Riot Games

Riot Games’ first 2021 champion is Viego, and with his arrival, many more champions will be making their appearance on the Summoner’s Rift. Before delving into the builds, items, and many more things, let us explore and reveal the actual abilities of the Champion - Viego.


The King of the Shadow Isles - Viego, has a unique kit that makes him a strong jungle champion and a great laner. He doesn’t use mana or any other resources in the game. Here is a look at the explanation of all the abilities and passive of the champion.

Passive (Sovereign's Domination) - One of the best passive abilities in the game allows Viego to eliminate or takedown an enemy champion and claim their Mist Wraith to get all the abilities of the enemy champion. Moreover, transforming Viego becomes untargetable (not to Turrets) for a second and restores some of his HP back. Keep in mind that this passive completely converts you into the champion you killed, therefore, claiming the fed champions would be more fruitful than claiming the Mist Wraith of the 0/16/1 Yasuo in the opponent. If you do end up taking their Mist Wraith, you will be weaker than your present self, making you an easy target for the enemy.

Ability Q (Blade of the Ruined King) - Simple Q double hit strike which deals bonus physical damage while marking them to inflict even more damage. This ability is the primary ability to max as it will help in clearing your jungle very quickly.

Ability W (Spectral Maw) – This is the only CC (Crowd Control) ability in his kit, and it cannot be used to jump over walls. Viego briefly slows down and throws a projectile which stuns the target and makes him dash towards the enemy.

Ability E (Harrowed Path) - Like Qiyanna’s ultimate, this ability makes Viego camouflaged and is a perfect ability to engage with the enemies or disengage unwanted fights. It also helps the champion clear jungle camps after as the champion gains attack speed when using this ability.

Ability R (Heartbreaker) - His ultimate ability works in great synergy with his passive and works as an executing ability to leave the Mist Wraith’s body and deal with physical damage. Moreover, his ultimate refreshes itself when leaving a Mist Wraith’s body which can be used to chain it with other enemy champions as well and get many kills in the matches. His ultimate ability slows enemy champions as well.


Riot Games intended to make Viego a jungler, and he is great at that role. His Q and E make the best jungle clears, and his damage feels very good as well. The Ideal start pathing for him would be to do red buff and move to the wolves or distinct camps in general. His abilities don’t have much AOE; therefore, leave the krugs camp for later and invade the enemy camps in the early stages to snowball the matches.

Here are the recommended Runes:

Viego League of Legends Abilities
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Image via Mobafire

Runes: The above-stated runes synergise very well with his Q ability and make the champion a very balanced early game with some late-game scaling champion. PTA can be beneficial in the early skirmishes; however, you could also replace it Conqueror based on the matchup. You could opt for more sustain and choose Ravenous Hunter or Taste of Blood for the Domination side-tree. 

Core Items- Red Smite, Galeforce/Trinity Force/Stridebreaker, Black Cleaver, Sterak’s Gage/Death’s Dance, and Guardian Angel.

Skill Level up Priority- Q>E>W

Summoner Spells- Smite and Flash


Many PBE players found out that on-hit builds have great synergy with Viego’s Q and ultimate abilities; therefore; he works quite well as a solo top laner or ADC in the teams. However, keep in mind that this is a glass cannon build for him, and you will need to reach your power spikes to do well and snowball your matches.

Here are the recommended Runes:

Viego League of Legends Abilities
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Image via Mobafire

Runes: Hail of Blades with his Q deals a lot of damage to enemy champions. With more sustain packed into his kit, he heals through most of the damage and outshines the enemies. His high attack speed combined with high damage output shreds enemies. His E can be used to escape enemy ganks easily, and W can be used as an initiation tool for the champion.

Core Items- Kraken Slayer/Galeforce, Blade of the Ruined King, Rageblade, Berserker's Greaves, Infinity Edge, and Zhonya's Hourglass.

Skill Level up Priority- Q>W>E

Summoner Spells- Flash and Ignite/Teleport


Image via Riot Games | Mobafire

Rijit Banerjee was a freelance contributor to GGRecon.

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