Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League slammed for ‘chaotic’ UI

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League slammed for ‘chaotic’ UI
Images via Rocksteady Studios

Written by 

Tom Chapman


11th Jan 2024 15:04

Ouch, our poor eyes. The jury is still out on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, but as the first game from Rocksteady Studios in nine years - and a long-awaited continuation of the Arkhamverse - we're hoping that those first impressions are just a little off.

Facing a slew of delays and complaints that we're swapping that classic Arkham spirit for a cash-grab live service outing, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will have to do something major to turn its critics around. Unfortunately, going viral because of a "chaotic" UI isn't the press Rockstar will want.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League goes viral for 'chaotic' UI

Merging the idea of a Borderlands-inspired looter shooter with the colourful criminals of the Suicide Squad could be a recipe for success, but a screenshot of Kill the Justice League's UI has everyone talking for all the wrong reasons.

Newly released gameplay footage from IGN gave us a closer look at Kill the Justice League, with one particular moment showing the screen bombarded with tasks, stats, and health bars. This spilt over to gaming Reddit, where someone compared it to the stuffed UI of the '90s and '00s. Yes, we're looking at you, Ubisoft. 

One gamer grumbled, "Man who is this UI for. Who looked at this and said yup I need all that information and its all useful to me right this minute." Another added, "Difference is that I understand what each parameter shown in parody picture stands for and not a single one in real picture."

Not everyone thought it was that bad, with someone saying, "Unpopular opinion: I'm not bothered by all the crap on screen in the second image. Is it necessary, or always useful? No. Is it occasionally useful, and probably not going to interfere with my gaming experience? Indeed."

Some think Kill the Justice League will be 2024's Redfall

Yikes, that's not a comparison we'd like to have made about us. 2023 saw the release of Arkane's Redfall, which was hit with similar delays to KTJL, but ultimately debuted as an unfinished mess. It doesn't help when VGC compares it to the maligned Marvel's Avengers, and IGN has the headline, "We played it and we didn’t like it."

At least we know Warner Bros. has grand plans for an extensive KTLJ road map that won't just churn out new cosmetic items for Harley Quinn. As well as a potential Deathstroke DLC, Season 3 is tipped to take us back to Gotham City for the Arkham City sequel we'd always hoped for. 

Thankfully, others on Twitter claim that you can toggle Kill the Justice League's cluttered UI in the game's settings, meaning it might not be the assault on our senses that it's being parodied as. The question is, can Kill the Justice League bring life back to the Arkhamverse or simply 'kill' it dead?

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom is Trending News Editor at GGRecon, with an NCTJ qualification in Broadcast Journalism and over seven years of experience writing about film, gaming, and television. With bylines at IGN, Digital Spy, Den of Geek, and more, Tom’s love of horror means he's well-versed in all things Resident Evil, with aspirations to be the next Chris Redfield.
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